小学5年级 - 经验谈 阅读指导

Chinese zodiac

五年级 徐懿森

 Do you know Chinese zodiac?
 I tell you.They are Rat,Ox,Tiger,Hare,Dragon,Snake,Horse,Sheep,Monkey, Cock,Dog and Boar.
 They are Chinese zodiac.I can say they are good friends.And there is a story about Chinese zodiac.
 Once upon a time.There were a cat and a mouse.They are good friends.They
will go to the middle of the forehead《天庭)But the mouse is slippery.he and Ox go to the middle of the forehead togeter.Then Tiger,Hare,Dragon, Snake,Horse,Sheep,Monkey, Cock,Dog and Boar are coming.They are Chinese zodiac.But the cat heard it.he is angre.So he wants to catch the mouse
 Then you know Chinese zodiac?
  • 小学5年级 - 经验谈
  • 字数:513 投稿日期:2012-1-8 16:59:00

  • 推荐3星:[黑色薰衣草]2012-1-12 9:23:15