小学6年级 - 记叙文 - 写景 阅读指导

My hometown

步步高英语学校 503013252

it is very beautiful
  My hometown
  步步高英语学校 李小玉
  I live in Hanzhong and there is my hometown.
  Hangzhong is a small city, but it is very beautiful. In spring, all plants turn green. We can see a full of vigour’s world. In summer, the weather is not too hot. It is about 28 degrees. It is fit for living. In fall, the weather is very cool. We can go hiking or fly kite. That is funny. In winter, the weather is not cold. But you can also make snowmen, because there have snowy days.
  If you go to Hanzgong, you can eat oranges. They are very sweet or drink good green tea. I am sure that you will have a good trip.
  This is my hometown and I love it.
  • 小学6年级 - 记叙文 - 写景
  • 字数:496 投稿日期:2013-5-2 14:50:00

  • 推荐3星:[PIKK]2013-5-2 19:53:34