小学5年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事 阅读指导

The World of Fossils化石世界

西安西一路小学一年级一班 含芝

“首先,谁知道这骨头是从哪里来的?”班尼特小姐问。“是来自死了的恐龙?”艾日克说。“它们来自化石!”卡萝说。  “都说对了,死了的恐龙的骨头变成了化石。
  “Look how big its feet are,” Eric pointed. “How did they find all the bones?” Dana rasied her hand. “ Do you want to know a secret?” Miss Bennett, the museum guide, said in a low voice. “Those are not real dinosaur bones!” she whispered.
  “你们想知道这个秘密吗?” 班尼特小姐—博物馆的解说员低声对他们说,“那些不是恐龙的真骨头!”
  “But…but…but,” Eric stuttered. “So dinosaurs never existed?” Carol asked timidly. “Of course they existed!” Miss Bennett laughed. “But those bones are not the original bones. Follow me and I will explain.”
  “First, who knows where those bones came from?” Miss Bennett asked. “From dead dinosaurs?” Eric answered. “They come from fossils!” Carol said. “You are both right. The dinosaur’s dead bones became fossils.”
  “Let’s think about this dinosaur. Usually when a dinosaur dies, it decays. Or another animal eats it. But sometimes the dinosaur is buried before it gets destroyed.”
  “Slowly the flesh and skin of dinosaur rots away. Only the hard shell or bones are left. Then, more and more things like mud and sand cover the bones. The mud and sand, which are called sediment, press down on the bones. The sediment has water in it. The water has minerals.”
  “The minerals soak into the remains. The minerals slowly replace the bones of the dinosaur. The remains become hard like rocks. Then they become fossils.”
  “This takes a very long time. It takes thousands and thousands of years for the sediment to form heavy layers. These heavy layers turn into sedimentary rocks. So most fossils are found in these rocks.
  “Let’s try a simple experiment,” Miss Bennett said as she held up her hand. “Pretend like your hand is a dead dinosaur.”
  “Suddenly, your hand is covered in sand and mud. Each time you press down on your hand, imagine it is being covered by more layers of sand and mud. Imagine this to go on for thousands, even millions, of years!” “Ouch! My hand hurts, Miss Bennett!”
  “It took many years for the dinosaur bones to become hard as rock. But finally, they were dug out of their rock. They had to be very careful not to break the rock.”
  “Finally after they cleaned the rock, what did they find?” “A fossil!” “Our handprint is not the actual hand. But we can still see that it was a hand. In the same way, fossils are not the actual bones of a dinosaur.”
  “Is that why you said those dinosaurs bone are not real?” called out Eric. “Remember, the original bones are replaced by rock-like minerals,” Miss Bennett explained. “So fossils are just a model of the original bone. Like this. And those dinosaur bones out there are models of fossils.”
  “Thank you, Miss Bennett,” the children said together. “We learned a lot today.” “Come back anytime! There is still more to learn about the world of fossils.”
  • 小学5年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事
  • 字数:3075 投稿日期:2012-8-12 23:03:00

  • 推荐3星:[沐CANDY]2012-8-12 23:28:55