初中2年级 - 杂文 阅读指导

Criticsathome Of The Final Destination

问君能有几多愁,恰似一群太监上青楼 花败在何时


  Film plot: in a originally should be very happy days, Nick O 'Bannon and friends went to a car race. Nick suddenly has a very horrible illusion - a few cars collided and burning wreckage much hit his friend, and lead to upper deck collapsed, drop stones at the right moment hit upon him… In reality, Nick panic to persuade his girlfriend loli and friends janet, hunter to go away. Nick's terrible illusion to become a reality, four people in danger of lucky escape. They feel cheated death, decided to cherish life, to survive. But for Nick and loli speaking, unfortunately, this is just beginning. Nick's death illusion still appear ceaselessly, the incident survivors of a dead, dead way quite dreadful. Nick must steal in death before the arrival of find the last self-rescue way……
  Film hints that we believe - each one of us will in some mystical powers under the control of inevitably toward death. We feel fear the reason is that we don't know what is this mysterious force and it is how to design our dead method. We will die but don't know why also don't know exactly when, where and how you die - of the film\'s success lies in its through strong psychological suggestion that we believe it.
  After all, we who also don't know is who is depends on our life and death. Is our own? Of course not. We do not have this ability. So is the others? Seems to also be not quite right. Because people are unlikely to control our life and death, they almost like us, are. Moreover if we and they have no hatred, they are unlikely to want to kill us. Besides we ourselves also still not completely without self-protection ability. Not who want to kill can kill it.
  Westerners conditioned to this decision and dominated all powers called "god". They think god created man, god decided that the person of life and death for granted. But according to the modern scientific point of view, there is no god. So in the end we still haven't found any definite answer.    
  So what exactly is in to decide life and death? Is the natural law? That seems a little sense. After all, people also is a kind of animal. People is impossible to get rid of the laws of nature control. Everyone will birth and death. But not everyone's death, a natural death. This is because man is also a social animal, all sorts of social forces could decide the fate of individuals, including his life and death.
  影片情节:在一个本来应该很开心的日子里,Nick O'Bannon和朋友一起去看赛车。Nick突然有了一种很不祥的幻觉--几辆赛车将会相撞,燃烧的碎片将飞入看台杀死他的朋友,并导致上层看台坍塌,掉落的石块正好砸在他身上……从恶梦中惊醒之后,Nick惊慌失措地劝自己的女友Lori和朋友Janet、Hunt赶紧离开。Nick的可怕幻觉竟变成了现实,四人在千钧一发之际侥幸逃生。他们感觉自己欺骗了死神,决定珍惜生命,好好活下去。可是对Nick和Lori来说,不幸才刚刚开始。Nick对死亡的幻觉仍不断出现,而那次事件的幸存者一个接一个死去,死状极其恐怖。Nick必须抢在死神到来之前找出最后的自救之道……
  • 初中2年级 - 杂文
  • 字数:2908 投稿日期:2011-2-7 18:53:00

  • 推荐3星:[舞叶]2011-2-7 19:03:11