新概念英语第一册 『41-46』

路易·乔治·亚历山大、何其莘 2011-8-9 19:47:25 [外语]

He is the man. He came here last week. who
He is the man who came here last week.
She is the woman. I served the woman yesterday. who/whom
She is the woman who I served yesterday.
He likes the house which has many windows.
1 主语 + 及物动词。
2 主语 + 不及物动词 + 介词。
This is the letter. I received the letter yesterday. the letter/ which
This is the letter which I received yesterday.
I like the house. He lives in the house. the house/ which
I like the house which he lives in. (which可以省略)
I like the house in which he lives. (which不可以省略)
That is the boy. I talked about the boy last week. the boy/who/whom
That is the boy who/whom I talked about/told you about last week.
That is the boy about whom I told you last week.
1 在从句的情况下,人作主语,后边是及物动词或不及物动词加介词,这样的情况下,关系代词可以省略。
2 如果介词提前了,介词后只能加whom
当先行词是物时,关系代词是which/that,后边是人或物都可,后边接及物动词或不及物动词加介词,which/that 作宾语,则可以省略
I saw a boy. The boy and his dog were walking in the park.
I saw a boy and his dog that were walking in the park.
当先行词前由序数词、最高级以及the only, the very, the same, all所修饰,或先行词为nothing, anything, everything 等不定代词时,后边的关系代词只能是that.
补充材料 P33
9 that
10 that
3 which
4 who/that
5 who/whom/that
6 which/that
7 which/that
8 who/whom/that
Lesson 122 Who(whom), which and that
Who served you?
The man (who/ that is) standing behind the counter.
The man (who/ that is) standing behind the counter served me.
Who served you?
The woman who/that is standing behind the counter.
Who is making all that noise?
The men (who/that are) repairing the road (are making all that noise).
I served him yesterday.
He is the man who(m)/that I served yesterday.
I served her yesterday.
She is the woman who(m)/that I served yesterday.
I saw them yesterday.
They are the men who(m)/that I saw yesterday.
Which book did you buy?
The book which/that is on the counter.
I bought the book which …
Which books did you buy?
The books which/that are on the counter.
I bought the books which …
Which dog is yours?
The dog (which/that is) carrying that basket (is mine).
road n. 路
Exercises P248
1 This is the car (which) the mechanic repaired yesterday.
2 He is the man (who/whom) I invited to the party.
3 These are the things (which) I bought yesterday.
4 He is the man who came here last week.
5 He is the policeman who caught the thieves.
6 She is the nurse who looked after me.
7 She is the woman (who/whom) I met at the party.
8 I am the person who wrote to you.
B Example
1 Who met him? That woman?
  Yes, she is the woman who met him.
2 Who sat there? That man?
  Yes, he is the man who sat there.
3 Who made it? That woman?
  Yes, she is the woman who made it.
4 Who read it? That man?
  Yes, he is the man who read it.
5 Who shut it? That man?
  Yes, he is the man who shut it.
8 Who saw me? That woman?
  Yes, she is the woman who saw me.
C Example
1 Who(m) did you see? That man?
  Yes, he is the man whom I saw.
2 Whom did you telephone? That girl?
  Yes, she is the girl whom I telephoned.
3 Whom did you invite? That boy?
  Yes, he is the boy whom I invited.
4 Whom did you take to the cinema? That old man?
  Yes, he is the old man whom I took to the cinema.
5 Who did you find in the garden? That boy?
  Yes, he is the boy whom I found in the garden.
6 Whom did you drive to London? That girl?
  Yes, she is the girl whom I drove to London.
7 Whom did you hear? That woman?
  Yes, she is the woman whom I heard.
8 Whom did you remember? That boy?
  Yes, he is the boy whom I remembered.
Lesson 124 (Who)/(whom), (which) and (that)
Who serve you?
The man (who is) standing behind the counter (served me).
Who served you?
The woman (who is) standing behind the counter.
Who is making all that noise?
The men (who are) repairing the road (are making all that noise).
I served him yesterday.
He is the man who(m)/that I served yesterday.
Exercises P252
This is the ship on which I travelled.
1 She is the woman I drove to London.
2 That's the film I saw.
3 That's the man I spoke to.
  That's the man to whom I spoke.
4 They are the thieves the police caught.
5 These are the letters I typed.
6 These are the people you ask me about.
  These are the people about whom you ask me.
B Examples
1 Which man? That man?
  Yes, that's the man I saw yesterday.
2 Which car? That car?
  Yes, that's the car I repaired yesterday.
3 Which woman? That woman?
  Yes, that's the woman I drove to London yesterday.
4 Which umbrella? That umbrella?
  Yes, that's the umbrella I bought yesterday.
5 Which medicine? That medicine?
  Yes, that's the medicine I took yesterday.
6 Which man? That man?
  Yes, that's the man I invited to my house yesterday.
C Examples
This is the film about which you told me.
1 This is the village I wrote to you about.
  This is the village about which I wrote to you.
2 He is the person I have heard about.
  He is the person about whom I have heard.
3 This is the test I spoke to you about.
  This is the test about which I spoke to you.
4 She is the woman I read about.
  She is the woman about whom I read.
5 This is something new I haven't thought about.
  This is something new about which I haven't thought.
6 This is something I must decide about.
  This is something about which I must decide.
Lesson 123 A trip to Australia
during prep. 在…期间
trip n. 旅行
travel v. 旅行
offer v. 提供
job n. 工作
guess v. 猜
grow(grew/grown) v. 长,让…生长
beard n. (下巴上的)胡子,络腮胡子
tour 观光旅行
trip 短途旅行
travel 旅行,泛指
journey 行程
a trip to Australia
a trip to Paris
I want to travel.
travel (a)around the world/China
If I have some money, I'll travel round the world.
If I win the match, I'll buy a big house for you.
see the world
If I have some money, I'll see the world.
travel (a)round the world
during my trip to Paris
during my father's trip to H.K.
take a photograph
I took some photographs last week.
I took some photographs during my trip to Paris.
I took some photographs during my trip to Australia.
This is a photograph which I took during my trip to Australia.
this is a photograph which my father took during his trip to H.K.
These are the photographs (which) I took last week.
traveled offered
Can you offer me a job?
offer sb. sth.
The man offered me a job last year.
The man offered me a job in Australia last year.
He is the man. The man offered me a job in Australia.
He is the man who offered me a job in Australia.
I traveled on this ship last year. This is a ship.
This is the ship (which) I traveled on last year.
This is the ship on which I traveled last year.
grow a beard
I like to grow a beard, but my wife doesn't like.
I grew a beard last year.
I traveled around China last year.
I grew a beard during my trip, but I shaved it off when I came back because my wife didn't like.
shave … up
shaved it up
Listen to the tape
Who is Mike taking to now?
What is Mike showing to Scott?
Some photographs?
What are the photographs?
Did the man get a job in Australia?
Did Mike take a photograph with the man who offered him a job?
Why did the man shave his beard after he came back?
Because his wife didn't like it.
This is a photograph which Mike took during his trip to Australia.
He is showing the photograph to Scott.
This is a good photograph.
These are the people (who) Mike met during the trip.
This is a beautiful ship.
What a beautiful ship (it is)!
How beautiful (the ship is)!
This is the ship (which) they traveled on last year.
This is the ship on which they traveled last year.
This is the man (who/whom/that) I told you about.
This is the man about whom I told you.
This is the man who offered me a job in Australia.
I grew a beard during my trip, but I shaved it off when I came home, because my wife didn't like it.
Look, Scott.
This is a photograph I took during my trip to Australia.
Let me see it, Mike.
This is a good photograph.
Who are these people?
They're people I met during the trip.
That's the ship we traveled on.
What a beautiful ship!
Who's this?
That's the man I told you about.
Ah yes.
The one who offered you a job in Australia.
That's right.
Who's this?
It's not you, is it?
That's right.
I grew a beard during the trip, but I shaved it off when I came home.
Why did you shave it off?
My wife didn't like it!
Lesson 125 Tea for two
water v. 浇水
terribly adv. 非常
dry adj. 干燥的,干的
nuisance n. 讨厌的东西或人
mean(meant/meant) v. 意味着,意思是
surprise n. 惊奇,意外的事
waters 水域 / watermelon 西瓜
I'm afraid I must water the garden now.
very / terribly / awfully
I'm very happy.
I'm very sorry.
terribly/awful 表示负面的意思,very可以表示负面的意思,也可以表示下面的意思。
It is cool today. It is a good day for picnic.
It is very cool.
It is terrible/awful cool.
It's dry this year.
It's very/terribly/awfully dry this year.
It is a nuisance!
The man is a nuisance.
What a nuisance (it is)!
mean person/small person
That man is really very mean. / He is a small person.
by all means 想尽办法,不择手段
I want to pass the band six exam by all means.
You must go home.
You must water the garden.
What do you mean?
What do you know?
I know he is a good person.
I mean you must go home.
It's raining.
It means (that) I needn't (don't need to) water the garden.
I need to go home.
I needn't (don't need to) go home.
It's a surprise.
It's a pleasant surprise.
Listen to the story about a man and his wife.
His wife wants the man to have a cup of tea with her in the living room.
But it's dry. The man thinks that he must water the garden now.
But the wife wants the man to come in and have a cup of tea with her.
And the man doesn't want to come in.
The lady is a little bit angry.
So she wants to drink a cup of tea by herself.
But later, it's raining/ it begins to rain.
Then that is a good news for the man.
That means the man needn't water the garden.
And he can come in and have a cup of tea with his wife.
have to/ has to/ will have to/had to/ have had to/ has had to
must/ have to 必须
1 must是情态动词;have to是复合动词
2 must没有时态变化;have to有时态变化,have to在变为否定和疑问形式时要根据不同的助动词来变化(一般现在时don't/doesn't;将来时后边直接变化;过去时didn't;完成时have not had to)
3 have to是客观需要,must主观的必须
take a taxi
I must take a taxi.
I have to take a taxi.
I don't have to take a taxi.
Do you have to take a taxi?
I have to take a taxi every day.
I don't have to take a taxi every day.
Do you have to take a taxi every day?
She has to get up early tomorrow.
She doesn't have to get up early tomorrow.
Does she have to get up early tomorrow?
I had to water the garden every day last year.
I didn't have to water the garden every day last year.
Did you have to water the garden every day last year?
I have waited for you for two hours.
I have had to wait for you for two hours.
Lesson 126 Have to and to not need to
Do you have to go now?
Yes, I have to leave immediately.
Do you have to get up early tomorrow morning?
Yes, I'll have to get up at six o'clock.
Did you have to take a taxi?
I'm afraid I had to.
I couldn't get a bus.
Hasn't your friend arrived yet?
How long have you had to wait?
I've had to wait for two hours!
Do you have to water the garden?
No, I don't need to water it now.
It's going to rain.
Do we have to walk to the station?
No, we don't need to.
We can catch a bus.
immediately adv. 立即地
Lesson 125 Tea for two
Can't you come in and have tea now, Peter?
Not yet.
I must water the garden first.
Do you have to water it now?
I'm afraid I must.
Look at it!
It's terribly dry.
What a nuisance!
Last summer it was very dry, too.
Don't you remember?
I had to water it every day.
Well, I'll have tea by myself.
That was quick!
Have you finished already?
Look out of the window.
It's raining!
That means you don't need to water the garden.
That was a pleasant surprise.
It means I can have tea, instead.
1 Does she have to decide immediately?
  She doesn't have to decide immediately.
2 She needn't decide immediately.
  Must she decide immediately?
3 We don't have to take a taxi.
  Do you have to take a taxi?
4 We needn't take a taxi.
  Must we take a taxi?
B Examples
1 I have to telephone him, too.
2 She has to wait for him, too.
3 He has to meet her, too.
4 They have to travel by ship, too.
C Examples
1 Do you really have to telephone him now?
2 Does Mary really have to wait for him now?
Lesson 127 A famous actress
famous adj. 著名的
actress n. 女演员
at least 至少
actor n. 男演员
read (read/read) v. 通过阅读得知
Lesson 129 Seventy miles an hour
wave v. 招手
track n. 跑道
mile n. 英里
overtake (overtook/overtaken) v. 从后面超越,超车
speed limit 限速
dream v. 做梦,思想不集中
sign n. 标记,牌子
driving licence 驾驶执照
charge v. 罚款
darling n. 亲爱的(用作表示称呼)
Lesson 131 Don't be so sure!
Egypt n. 埃及
abroad adv. 国外
worry v. 担忧
Lesson 128 He can't be …/He must be …
He must be a doctor.
He can't be a doctor.
He must have been a doctor.
He can't have been a doctor.
He may be a doctor.
He may have been a doctor.
He must have gone.
He must have visited.
He must be swimming.
He can't be swimming.
He must have been swimming.
He can't have been swimming.
He may be swimming.
He may have been swimming.
He can't be ill.
He must be tired.
It can't be my new hat.
It must be my old one.
She can't be Danish.
She must be Swedish.
He can't be a dentist.
He must be a doctor.
She can't be forty.
She must be fifty.
It can't be the 20th.
It must be the 21st.
He can't be the youngest.
He must be the oldest.
He can't be reading.
He must be sleeping.
Exercises Examples
1 He has to be here at six o'clock.
2 I think he is probably busy.
3 He has to be at the office early tomorrow.
4 I think he is probably sleeping.
5 I think he is probably French.
6 He has to be in France next week.
7 I think he is probably an engineer.
B Examples
1 I don't think so. She can't be Italian. She must be Greek.
2 I don't think so. He can't be English. He must be American.
3 I don't think so. They can't be Canadian. They must be Australian.
7 I don't think so. He can't be twenty-four. He must be thirty.
15 I don't think so. It can't be easy. It must be difficult.
18 I don't think so. He can't be reading. He must be sleeping.
19 I don't think so. They can't be listening to the radio. They must be watching television.
20 I don't think so. She can't be retiring. She must be looking for a new job.
Lesson 130 He can't have been …/He must have been …
He can't have been ill.
He must have been tired.
It can't have been my new hat.
It must have been my old one.
She can't have been Danish.
She must have been Swedish.
He can't have been a dentist.
He must have been a doctor.
She can't have been forty.
She must have been fifty.
It can't have been the 20th.
It must have been the 21st.
He can't have been the youngest.
He must have been the oldest.
He can't have been reading.
He must have been sleeping.
had to的后边只能跟动词的原形,must have been后可以跟形容词,名词和动词的-ing形式。
I must have been tired at that time.
He must have been a manager.
He must have been driving at 100 kilometers an hour.
1 must have been
2 had to
3 must have been
4 had to
5 had to
6 must have been
B Example
1 I don't think they were. They can't have been Canadian. They must have been Australian.
2 I don't think she was. She can't have been Finnish. She must have been Russian.
5 I don't think she was. She can't have been a dentist. She must have been a doctor.
9 I don't think he was. He can't have been seventy-six. He must have been over eighty.
16 I don't think she was. She can't have been old. She must have been young.
18 I don't think they were. They can't have been listening to the radio. They must have been watching television.
19 I don't think she was. She can't have been retiring. She must have been looking for a new job.
20 I don't think they were. They can't have been sitting. They must have been standing.
Lesson 132 He may be …/He may have been … I'm not sure
Where is Harry?
He may be in his room.
I'm not sure.
Where will he go?
He may go to the cinema.
I'm not sure.
Why is he late?
He may be busy.
I'm not sure.
What is he doing?
He may be reading.
I'm not sure.
Why was he late?
He may have been busy.
I'm not sure.
What was he doing?
He may have been reading.
I'm not sure.
B Examples
1 I'm not sure. They may be Australian.
2 I'm not sure. She may be Russian.
3 I'm not sure. They may be Chinese.
4 I'm not sure. They may have been bakers.
5 I'm not sure. She may have been a doctor.
10 I'm not sure. She may have been under fifty.
17 I'm not sure. He may have been tired.
18 I'm not sure. They may be watching television.
19 I'm not sure. She may have been looking for a new job.
20 I'm not sure. They may be standing.
Lesson 127 A famous actress
be famous for/ be famous as
She is famous for her beauty.
He is famous as a writer.
She is a famous actress.
She is famous.
at most
I read she was only 29.
Karen Marsh
Can you recognize that woman?
I think I can.
She must be Karen Marsh.
I think so.
I thought so.
A man is sitting beside her.
Who's sitting beside her?
Who's the man beside her?
He must be Conrad Reeves.
He can't be.
I think you're right.
He is her third husband.
He isn't her third husband.
Isn't he her third husband?
No. He must be her fourth or fifth.
Karen Marsh looks old.
Karen Marsh doesn't look old.
Doesn't Karen Marsh look old!
Lesson 127 A famous actress
Karen Marsh looks old.
Karen Marsh doesn't look old.
Doesn't Karen Marsh look old!
I read she's only twenty-nine, but she must be at least forty.
I'm sure she is.
She was a famous actress when I was at school.
When I was at school, she was a famous actress.
That was a long time ago.
Not that long ago!
I'm not more than twenty-nine my self.
Can you recognize that woman, Liz?
I think I can, Kate.
It must be Karen Marsh, the actress.
I thought so.
Who's that beside her?
That must be Conrad Reeves.
Conrad Reeves, the actor?
It can't be.
Let me have another look.
I think you're right!
Isn't he her third husband?
No. He must be her fourth or fifth.
Doesn't Karen Marsh look old!
She does, doesn't she!
I read she's twenty-nine, but she must be at least forty.
I'm sure she is.
She was a famous actress when I was still at school.
That was a long time ago, wasn't it?
Not that long ago!
I'm not more than twenty-nine myself.
Does Karen Marsh look old!
Lesson 129 Seventy miles an hour
wave v. 招手
track n. 跑道
mile n. 英里
overtake(overtook/overtaken) v. 从后面超越,超车
speed limit 限速
dream v. 做梦,思想不集中
sign n. 标记,牌子
driving licence 驾驶执照
charge v. 罚款
darling n. 亲爱的
wave n. 波
wave to sb.
wave sb. goodbye
That policeman is waving to you.
overconfident [自负]
overfish [滥捕]
overbuild [滥建]
oversleep [睡过头]
I was late yesterday. I overslept.
overeat [吃多了]
overcharge [收费过多]
overdress [打扮的太夸张了]
Look, Gary!
That policeman's waving to you.
I want you to stop.
That policeman wants Gary to stop.
Where are you?
race match/competition/championship/tournament
on the race track
You must have been driving at seventy miles an hour.
I can't have been driving at seventy miles an hour.
Did you see the speed limit?
Didn't you see the speed limit?
I'm afraid I didn't.
I must have been dreaming.
He wasn't dreaming.
tell sb. to do sth.
I always tell you to drive slowly.
My wife told me to drive slowly yesterday.
at that time/moment
I was telling him to drive slowly at that time.
Let me see your driving licence.
I won't charge you this time.
You'd better drive slowly next time.
You'd better not do that again!
I'll certainly be more careful.
I told you to drive slowly.
You always tell me to drive slowly, darling.
take one's advice
You'd better take my advice next time!
Look, Gary!
That policeman's waving to you.
He wants you to stop.
Where do you think you are?
On a race track?
You must have been driving at seventy miles an hour.
I can't have been.
I was doing eighty when I overtook you.
Didn't you see the speed limit?
I must have been dreaming.
He wasn't dreaming, officer.
I was telling him to drive slowly.
That's why I didn't see the sign.
Let me see your driving licence.
I won't charge you this time.
But you'd better not do it again!
Thank you.
I'll certainly be more careful.
I told you to drive slowly, Gary.
You always tell me to drive slowly, darling.
Well, next time you'd better take my advice!
He is a student. She is beautiful.
Let sb. do sth.
tell sb. to do sth.
take one's advice
Lesson 131 Don't be do sure!
Egypt n. 埃及
abroad adv. 国外
worry v. 担忧
go abroad/study abroad
worry about
Where are you going to spend your holidays this year, Gary?
We may go abroad.
I'm not sure.
My wife wants to go to Egypt.
I'd like to go there, too. [would like]
We can't make up our minds.
Will you travel by sea or by air?
We may travel by sea.
It's cheaper, isn't it?
It may be cheaper, but it takes a long time.
I'm sure you'll enjoy yourselves.
Don't be so sure.
We might not go anywhere.
My wife always worries too much.
Who's going to look after the dog?
Who's going to look after the house?
Who's going to look after the garden?
We have this problem every year.
In the end, we stay at home and look after everything!
decide to do sth.
make a (big) decision
determine to do sth./determined
I'm determined to do sth.
make up one's mine (to do sth.)
decide to do sth./make a decision
determine to do sth.
be determined to do sth.
I have made up my mind to study English well.
补充材料 P35
1 may come
2 must I do
3 must have been ill
4 may have finished
5 may have been sleeping
6 needn't worry about anything
7 must study hard
8 can't be … must be
cross my heart 发誓
just for haugh 只是开玩笑
pull one's leg 欺骗某人,开玩笑,逗某人玩儿
miss the bus/boat 错过机会
Least talk, most work. 少说多做
Never do things by halves. 不要半途而废
You are quite right.
That's my opinion, too.
That's exactly what I want to say.
You said it!
You can say that again.
For sure! I can't agree more.
To a certain extent, yes, but …
Yes, corect in a sense, but there're other problems.
I don't think so.
I'm not sure if I agree with you.
I'm afraid I have a different opinion.
I can't say that …
I see your point, but …
I can't go along with your view.
P33 Exercises
1 Someone
2 everywhere/anywhere
3 everyone
4 was doing
5 was reading
6 is singing
7 plays
8 had arrived at
9 will visit
10 got to/had begun
11 was
12 were watching
13 keeps/kept/is keeping [I was a student. I went there.]
14 have never seen
Excuse me. Do you know the way to …?
I want to go to … Where is it?
Which is the way to …
Can you tell me how can I get to …/ how to ….
Would you please show me the way?
Can you direct me to …
Is this the way to …
Follow your nose and you'll find the station.
Go along/down/ahead until you reach …
Turn left/right at the first turning/crossing
Take the first turning on your right.
When you see the traffic lights, turn left.
Keep going before you come to …
It's just across the street/around the corner/opposite the shop/next to the school.
You will have to get off at … stop.
Is it far from here? How far is it?
It's only about ... far (away).
It's not very far. You can walk within ... minutes. It's about five minutes' walk.
You can take No.3 bus to get there.
It will take you half an hour to get there by bike.
P31 Exercises
1 Someone/Somebody
2 everywhere
3 nothing
4 None
5 Everyone
6 any [some of the children]
7 anything
8 anyone
1 in
2 on
3 off
4 except
5 to
6 in
7 for [on sale]
8 for
9 like
10 in
P30 Exercises

补充教材 P28
-- Would you/Do you mind if I(did/do…)?
-- May/Can I possibly do…?
-- Do you think it would be possible f, or me to…?
-- Is it OK if I…?
-- I hope you didn’t mind my asking, but…
-- Please let me…
-- I wonder if I could…
-- May I have your permission to…?
-- Do you think I could…?
(agreement): -- Yes ,centainly /of course ,
-- Of  course not . Go ahead .
-- That’s fine . Why not ?
(disagreement): -- I’m afraid you can’t …
-- I’d like to , but …
-- No way ./Sorry .
Lesson 133 Sensational news !
reporter           n.记者
sensational        adj.爆炸性的,耸人听闻的  sensational news
mink coat         貂皮大衣
Lesson 135 The latest report
future            n.未来的   in the future   future wife  future husband
get married        结婚
hotel             n.饭店
latest            adj.最新的  latest news
introduce         v.介绍
1.  跟在表示人的情感和心理活动的形容词后面(afraid, sure )
be +adj.+that 从句(当前面是一般现在时,后面可用任何时态)
2.  说、认为、知道、相信……前面直接加主语,后面跟that从句
You are wrong..
I think,”You are wrong.”
I think that you are wrong
She said,”I want to go home.”
She said(that)she wanted to go home.
My mother told us,”I am making cakes.”
My mother told us she was making cakes.
She said,”I will make another film next year.”
She said she would make another film next year.
will(任何人称),shall(第一人称)-->would  should:应该
He said,”I have finished my work.”
He said he had finished his word.
She said,”I helped him.”
He said,”I can come tomorrow.”
He said he could come tomorrow.
She said.”I may retire next year.”
She said she might retire next year.
She said.”I have just made a new film.”
She said she had just made a new film.
She said.”I am going to make another film.”
She said she was going to make another film.
She said,”I am going to retire.”
She said she was going to retire.
She said,”I don’t want to make another film.”
She told the reporters,”I feel very tired.”
She told the reporters she felt very tired.
Lesson133 Sensational news!
Have you just made a new film, Miss Marsh?
Yes, I have.
Are you going to make another?
No, I’m not.
I’m going to retire.
I feel very tired.
I don’t want to make another film for a long time.
Let’s buy a newspaper, Liz.
Listen to this!
‘Karen Marsh: Sensational News!
By our reporter, Alan Jones. 被动语态,省略written
Karen Marsh arrived at London Airport today.
She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat.
She told me she had just made a new film.
She said she was not going to make another.
She said she was going to retire.
She told reporters she felt very tired and didn’t want to make another film for a long time.’
I wonder why!
 wonder=want to know (wonder+宾语从句)
Lesson 134 He said(that)he...  He told me(that)he...
B Answer these questions
I’m tired.—What did he say?
He said he was tired.
1.       I’m busy.—What did he say?
   He said he was busy.
2.       she’s cold.—what did he say?
   He said she was cold.
3.       The book’s interesting.—What did she say? 
She said the book was interesting.
4.       They’re hungry. –What did he say?
He said they were hungry.
C  Answer these questions
I’m reading. –What did he tell you?
He told me he was reading.
1.       I’m working. –What did he tell you?
He told me he was working.
2.       she’s leaving.—What did they tell you?
They told me she was leaving.
3.       They’re joking. –What did she tell you?
She told me they were joking.
4.       Tom’s waiting.—What did he tell you?
He told me Tom was waiting.
D  Answer these questions.
I’m finished. –What did he tell you?
He told me he had finished .
1.       I’ve met him. –What did he tell you?
He told me he had met him.
2.       I’ve lost it. –What did he tell you?
He told me he had lost it.
3.       It has stopped. –What did she tell you?
He told me it had stopped.
4.       She has arrived. –What did they tell you?
They told me she had arrived.
Lesson 136 He said (that)he...  He told me(that)he...
B  Answer these questions.
I will leave tomorrow. –What did he say?
He said he would leave tomorrow.
1.       Penny will open the window. –What did he say?
He said Penny would open the window.
2.       I will change some money. –What did she say?
She said she would change some money.
3.       It will rain tomorrow. –What did he say?
He said it would rain tomorrow.
4.       They will arrive later. –What did he say?
He said they would arrive later.
5.       He will repair it. –What did she say?
She said he would repair it.
6.       I will write to him. –What did he say?
He said he would write to him.
C  Answer these questions
I can do this Maths problem.—What did he tell you?
He told me he could do this Maths problem
1.       I can understand English.—What did he tell you?
He told me he could understand English.
2.       I can recognize him.—What did she tell you?
She told me she could recognize him.
3.       They can afford it.—What did they tell you?
They told me they could afford it.
D  Answer these questions
I may go to the cinema. –What did he say?
He said he might go to the cinema.
1.       They may arrive tomorrow. –What did they say?
They said they might arrive tomorrow.
2.       I may retire.—What did he tell you?
He told me he might retire.
3.       I may telephone him.—What did she say/
She said she might telephone him.
Lesson 135 The latest report
future            n.未来的   in the future   future wife  future husband
get married        结婚
hotel             n.饭店
latest            adj.最新的  latest news
introduce         v.介绍
Are you really going to retire, Miss Marsh?
I may.
I can’t make up my mind.
I will have to ask my future husband.
(She said she would have to ask her future husband )
He won’t let me make another film.        使役动词Let sb. do sth. 
(She said her future husband would not let her make another film )
Your future husband, Miss Marsh?
Yes. Let me introduce him to you.
His name is Carlos.
We’re going to get married next week.
(She said she couldn’t make up her mind .)
(She said she would get married next week.)
(That’sensational news. He will be her sixth husband.)
Look, Liz!
Here’s another report about Karen Marsh.
Listen: ‘Karen Marsh: The latest.
At her London Hotel today Miss Marsh told reporters she might retire.
She said she couldn’t make up her mind.
She said she would have to ask her future husband.
She said her future husband would not let her make another film.
Then she introduced us to Carlos and told us they would get married next week.’
That’s sensational news, isn’t it, Kate?
It certainly is. He’ll be her sixth husband!
Let sb. do sth. 
Want to do sth.
Make sb. do sth.
see sb. do sth. 看到全过程
see sb. doing sth. 看到这个动作正在进行
I saw him swimming in the river.
I can hear the girl singing in the next room.
let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事
make sb. do sth.  使某人做某事
have sb. do sth.  让某人做某事
let,make,have sb.+ done
如果make这个词用于被动语态,后面要加to :be made to do sth.
I will have my hair cut.
She had her car repaired.
Help sb.(to)do sth.
Lesson137 A pleasant dream
football       n.足球(英);橄榄球(美)play football  soccer:英式足球
pool [pu:l]    n.赌注        football pool:足球赌注
win            v.赢
world          n.世界
poor [pu[]     adj.贫穷的 
depend         v.依靠(on)
(do)the football pool:足球赌注
I do the football pool every year. But I never win anything.
They are doing the football pool. They are sure that they will win something this time.   I’m sure I will win the football pool this week.
He is not a man who(whom/that) you can depend on.
believe: 相信某人说的话
believe in: 信任某人
He is not a friend you can believe in.
Everything depends on the dream.
If: 如果(条件从句):是否
If it rains tomorrow, we won’t go out.
We won’t go out, if it rains tomorrow.
If you break the window, you will have to pay for it.
We will miss the train, if you don’t hurry.
If you feel better, you must go to school.
marry + sb. 嫁(取)某人
If you really love him, you may marry him.
can --表示人的能力
Julie  Brian
What does Julie want to do if they win a lot of money?
See the world.
What does her husband want to do?
First, buy a mink coat for his wife.
Travel round the world.
Stay at the best hotels
Buy a big house
But if they spend all the money what will they do?
They will do the football pools again.
But what does everything depend on?
It’s just a pleasant dream!
Julie and Brian are doing the football pools now.
They always do the football pools.
But they never win anything.
They are sure they will win something this week.
If Brian wins a lot of money he will buy a mink coat for his wife.
He says if he wins a lot of money he will buy a mink coat for his wife.
But his wife doesn’t want a mink coat.
She says if they win a lot of money she’ll see the world.
If they win a lot of money they’ll travel round the world.
If I win a lot of money I’ll buy a big house.
My father says if he wins a lot of money he’ll stay at the best hotels.
If I spend all the money I’ll do the football pools again.
Brian says if he spends all the money he’ll do the football pools again.
But everything depends on ‘if’!
It’s only a pleasant dream.
Are you doing the football pools, Brian?
Yes, I’ve nearly finished, Julie.
I sure we’ll win something this week.
You always say that, but we never win anything!
What’ll you do if you win a lot of money?
If I win a lot of money I’ll buy you a mink coat. /buy sth. for sb.
I don’t want a mink coat!
I want to see the world.
All right.
If we win a lot of money we’ll travel round the world and we’ll stay at the best hotels.
Then we’ll return home and buy a big house in the country.
We’ll have a beautiful garden and…
But if we spend all that money we’ll be poor again.
What’ll we do then?
If we spend all the money we’ll try and win the football pools again.
It’s a pleasant dream but everything depends on ‘if’!
Lesson 138 If……
1.       If he misses the bus, he’ll take a taxi.
2.       If he doesn’t sell his old car, he won’t buy a new one.
3.       If they offer me more money, I’ll work less.
4.       type the letter/type it(by)myself
If she doesn’t type the letter, he’ll type it himself.
5.       come home early/play in he garden
If the children come home early, they’ll play in the garden.
6.       If I am ill tomorrow, I won’t go to work.
7.       If I go to the party, I’ll enjoy myself/have a good time.
8.       to tell you the truth/tell him the truth
If he asks me, I’ll tell him the truth.
9.       If it rains tomorrow, my mother’ll stay at home.
rich: 富有的
He is rich.  If he is rich, he can work less.
1.       live abroad
I can live abroad, if I’m rich.
4.  If they are rich, they can have a long holiday.
6.  If you are rich, you can offer your boss a job.
7.  If I am rich, I’ll fly to Tokyo.
3.  He can buy a new house, if he is rich.
Lesson 139 Is that you, John?
extra       adj.额外的
overseas    adj.海外的,国外的
engineering  n.工程
company    n.公司
line        n.线路
1.  由that引导的从句,that可以省略;
2.  知道、希望、相信等动词,前面一般现在时,后面任何时态;
3.  If/whether(是否)引导,如果后面是选择疑问句,用whether;特殊疑问词what/why/where,把疑问句变成陈数句语序。  
I wonder/do you want to go home
I wonder if you want to go home.
Do you need help?
My wife wonders if you need help.
What are you doing?
I want to know what you are doing.
What are you talking about?
I don’t understand what you are talking about.
, ,
Where are you going tomorrow?
I want to know where you are going tomorrow.
When will the train leave?
I don’t know when the train will leave.
1 .I want to know if you are late. Tell me if you are late.
  I want to know why you are late. Tell me why you are late.
2. I want to know if you are dirty. Tell me if you are dirty.
  I want to know why you are dirty, Tell me why you are dirty.
I want to know if you are writing. Tell me if you are writing.
I want to know what you are writing. Tell me what you are writing.
   2.  I want to know if you are cooking. Tell me if you are cooking.
      I want to know what you are cooking. Tell me what you are cooking.
1.       I want to know if Tom got up early. Tell me if Tom got up early.
I want to know when Tom got up. Tell me when Tom got up.
2.  I want to know if Tom arrived late. Tell me if Tom arrived late.
   I want to know when Tom arrived. Tell me when Tom arrived.
3.  I want to know if Tom did his homework yesterday.
Tell me if Tom did his homework yesterday.
   I want to know when Tom did his homework. Tell me when Tom did his homework.
4.  I  want to know if Tom had a bath yesterday. Tell me if Tom had a bath yesterday.
   I want to know when Tom had a bath. Tell me when Tom had a bath.
Lesson 139 Is that you, John?
Is that you, John?
Yes, speaking.
Tell Mary we’ll be late for dinner this evening.
I’m afraid I don’t understand.
Hasn’t Mary told you?
She invited Charlotte and me to dinner this evening.
I said I would be at your house at six o’clock, but the boss wants me to do some extra work..
I’ll have to stay at the office.
I don’t know when I’ll finish.
Oh, and by the way, my wife wants to know if Mary needs any help.
I don’t know what you’re talking about.
That is John Smith, isn’t it?
Yes, I’m John Smith.
You are John Smith, the engineer, aren’t you?
That’s right.
You work for the Overseas Engineering Company, don’t you?
No, I don’t.
I’m John Smith the telephone engineer and I’m repairing your telephone line.
Lesson 141 Sally’s first train ride
excited       adj.兴奋的
get on        登上
middle-aged   adj.中年的
opposite       prep.在…对面
curiously      adv.好奇地
funny         adj.可笑的,滑稽的
powder        n.香粉
compact       n.带镜的化妆盒
kindly         adv. 和蔼地
ugly           adj.丑陋的
amused        adj.有趣的
smile          v.微笑
embarrassed     adj.尴尬的,窘迫的
My father repaired my car yesterday.
My car was repaired by my father yesterday.
            They invite me to dinner every week.
            I am invited to dinner by them.
            We invite them to attend the meeting every year.
            They are invited to attend the meeting by us every year.
            They invite my daughter to the children’s party every week.
            My daughter is invite to the children’s party every week.
           My grandfather bought the piano many years ago.
           The piano was bought by grandfather many years ago.
           My sister broke these glasses.
           These glasses were broken by my sister.
           My father has already repaired my car.
           My car has already been repaired by my father.
           They are building the house.
           The house is being built by them.
           They will set up a new school next year.
           The house is being built by them.
           They will set up a new school next year.
           A new school will be set up (by them ) next year.
     They were building the house at this time last year.
          The house was being built by them at this time last year.
     They had finished the project by the end of last year.
          They project had been finished by the end of last year.
     You must finish the work before five o’clock.
          The work must be finished before five o’clock.
B: P288
1.  Some airs it regularly.   It is aired regularly.
2.  Someone cleans them regularly.  They are cleaned regularly.
Last week, my four-year-old daughter, Sally, was invited to a children’s party.
I decided to take her by train.
Sally was very excited because she had never travelled on a train before.
Sally sat near the window and asked questions about everything she saw.
Suddenly, a middle-aged lady got on the train and sat opposite Sally.
‘Hello, little girl,’ she said.
Sally did not answer, but looked at her curiously.
The lady was dressed in a blue coat and a large, funny hat.
After the train had left the station, the lady opened her handbag and took out her powder compact.
She then began to make up her face.
‘Why are you doing that?’ Sally asked.
‘To make myself beautiful,’ the lady answered.
She put away her compact and smiled kindly.
‘But you are still ugly,’ Sally said.
Sally was amused, but I was very embarrassed!
Lesson 143 A walk through the woods
surround      v.包围        place          v. 放
wood         n.树林         throw(threw,thrown)  v.扔,抛
beauty spot     n.风景点       rubbish             n.垃圾
hundred         n.百         count           v.数,点
city             n.城市           cover          n.封面v.覆盖,跨越
through         prep.穿过       piece               n.碎片
visitor        n.参观者,游客,来访者 , tyre                n.轮胎
&l, t;, P class=MsoNormal>tidy            adj.整齐的          rusty               adj.生锈的
litter            n.杂乱的东西     among             prep.在…之间
litter basket      废物筐        prosecute           v.依法处置
be surrounded by :被……包围
百、千、百万……前面有具体的数字,后面不加-s,如果是不确定的,后面要加-s(hundreds of 数以百计的)
throw away:把……扔掉   counter:柜台  
computer:计算机  compute:计算(根据已有的数据)
be covered with:被……覆盖 She covered sixty miles yesterday.
from cover to cover:从头到尾地读
The snow covered the village yesterday.
cover sth. with  It’s cold. Please cover the baby with a coat.
I live in a very old town which is surrounded by beautiful woods.(定语从句)
It’s a famous beauty spot.
On Sundays, hundreds of people come from the city to see our town and to walk through the woods. (每逢星期日)                   (走过)
Visitors have been asked to keep the woods clean and tidy.(被动语态)
Litter baskets have been placed under the trees, but people still throw their rubbish everywhere.
Last Wednesday, I went for a walk in the woods.(去散步)
What I saw made me very sad.(主语从句)
I counted seven old cars and three old refrigerators.
The litter baskets were empty and the ground was covered with pieces of paper, cigarette ends, old tyres, empty bottles and rusty tins.
Among the rubbish, I found a sign which said, ‘Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted!’
补充材料 P3
--See you (soon/later/next time/…)
--Good night. /goodbye./Bye-bye.
--It’s nice to see you.
--How time files! I have to be going now.
--I must go off/be off/be leaving.
--I suppose I’d better go.
--I’m really enjoying meeting you.
--It’s a pleasure to be with you here, but…
--I can’t believe that time has come to say goodbye to you.
--Thank you for all you’ve done for me.
--Let’s keep in touch./Don’t forget to drop me a line.
--All the best to you./Remember me to your…
--We must get together again soon.
补充材料 P4
--during the dog days     在非常热的天;倒霉的日子
--get one’s goat      惹某人生气
--black and blue      遍体鳞伤
--as busy as a bee     象蜜蜂一样的忙碌
--a green hand       生手;新手
--rob Peter to pay Paul    借债还债
--Every dog has his/its day.  凡人皆有得意日
补充材料 P6
--get/feel hot under the collar    气得青筋暴跳
--a lucky dog/live a dog’s life    幸运儿/生活不如意
--Love me, love my dog.        爱屋及乌
--be blue in the face            生气
--chewing gum                口香糖
--on top of the world           (表示一个人)非常的幸福
--Walls have ears.              隔墙有耳
--I’m/My name is……
--May I introduce myself?/Allow me to introduce myself. 
Allow sb. to do sth.:允许某人做某事
--This is……/Come and meet my friend.
--May I introduce……to you?
--I’d like you to know/meet……
--Sorry, I don’t think we’ve met. I wonder if you can tell me/let me know your name.
--Can/could you introduce yourself?/Would you like to make yourself known to others?
--Sorry, I didn’t catch your name. Would you please tell me your name?
补充材料 P7
--follow your nose             凭着你的感觉
--be led by the nose         被牵头鼻子走
--make one’s mark         使某人出名
--man-eater            食人兽;性感女性
--money to burn          很有钱的
--make one’s mouth water      让某人对某事垂涎三尺
--meet one’s waterloo        某人遭到了失败
--Many hands make light work.     众人拾柴火焰高;人多力量大
Lady-killer: 性感男子;有魅力的男子
补充材料 P8
--Be on one’s high horse           趾高气扬
--Fight tooth and nail             奋力作战
--White lie                 善意的谎言
--Eye for eye                以牙还牙
--Cup of tea                喜爱之物
--Face the music               面对现状
--Out of sight, out of mind           眼不见心不烦
--No pains, no gains.             不劳无获
--The outsider sees the most of the game.     旁观者清
 By the way,  ……
  I forget to mention that…….
 You can smile, nod your head and have the eye contacts.
  Also you can say like these:
  Good for you!/Really?/You don’t say! /yes. /I think so. /I see.
  Please tell me more.
  Glad to hear that. /Sorry to hear that.
 I’m sorry to disturb you, but may I ask a question?
  Let’s be open here! Can we have a chat before?
补充材料 P9
电话实用句式Telephone conversation:
-- Hello, is that…… ( speaking )?. Here is……. ( speaking ). Is…….there?
-- This is …….( speaking ). Who’s that?
-- May I know who is calling, please?
-- May I speak to/have a word with …? /I’d like to speak to …
-- Hello! Can I help you? Whom do you want to speak to?
-- All right. Hold on please.
-- Sorry, he/she isn’t in. May I take a message for you?
-- Would you like him to call you back?  Could you leave your number?
-- Would you mind calling back later?  ( Mind doing sth.后面永远跟ing  )
-- I’ll tell him to ring back.
-- I’m sorry, there’s no one here by the name.
-- I’m afraid you’ve got/dialed the wrong number.
补充材料 P10
-- Be left in the cold         被冷落
-- A bed of roses          幸福,非常地开心
-- Go bananas           发疯
-- A black sheep          败家子
-- A piece of cake          小菜一碟
-- Do it well or not at all.       做就把它做好,否则就不要做。
-- Look before you leap.       三思而后行。
-- Easier said than done.       说起来容易,做起来难。
on time :    准时
in time:   及时
in no time:  不时的,立刻
off and on:  时断时续
-- What’s the time (by your watch )?
-- What time do you have? /What time is it?
-- It’s at …o’clock. (past/to/half past )
-- What’s the date today? /What was the date yesterday?
-- What day is it today? /What’s the day today?
-- It’s time for+n. (doing )… /It’s time to+v. (原形)… /It’s time that…
-- Time is limited/running out.
-- I suppose it’s about time (that )…
-- When is the meeting? /When does the meeting begin?
补充材料 P12
Better half              &nb, sp; &nb, sp;               对妻子、或丈夫的戏称
green thumb                园艺技能
be all ears                 全神贯注
be all thumbs                笨手笨脚的
kiss something goodbye           恋恋不舍的把某物给别人
keep one’s mouth out of sth.          不要多管闲事
Failure is the mother of success.         失败是成功之母
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.    光工作不玩耍聪明的孩子也变傻
-- Thank you (Thanks ) very much/a lot.
-- Many thanks. /Great. /You’re so kind.
-- I’m much/most grateful to you (for …)
-- That’s very kind/good/nice of you to …
-- You’ve so thoughtful.
-- I can never thank you enough.
-- Thank you. That’s the nicest thing anyone’s said to me all day.
-- No thanks necessary. /Not at all. /That’s all right. /That’s OK.
  Forget (about ) it. /Don’t mention it. /You’re welcome.
-- It’s my pleasure.
-- I’m pleased /glad to be at you service.
-- A small piece of cake.
-- Nothing much.
Welcome to China.
补充材料 P16
-- Sorry for being late. /I’m sorry (that )…
-- I’m awfully sorry for that!
-- Sorry to have taken up so much of your time.
-- Sorry to have given/brought you so much trouble.
-- It’s my fault. I apologize…
-- I’m apologizing for that!
(Informal )
-- I do beg you pardon, sir/madam.
-- Sorry, I didn’t mean to …
-- I promise that it won’t happen again.
-- I hope you’re not upset with me.
-- It was wrong of me to …
  It was wrong of me to use your bike without your permission.
-- It doesn’t matter. /You’re forgiven.
-- That’s quite all right. Forget it .
-- Never mind. It can’t be helped.
补充材料 P17
-- What’s the weather like?
-- It’s a fine day today. The sun is shining.
-- It’s fine/windy /sunny/rainy/cloudy/cold/hot/warm/cool.
-- I bet it’s going to rain soon.
-- Is the weather changeable here?
-- What a good/nice/beautiful/wonderful/pleasant day!
-- It’s been raining cats and dogs.  (倾盆大雨)
-- Really cold today. I’m freezing.
-- What a terrible day! It made me down.
-- It has been awfully ho this week. During the dog days.
  I can do nothing at all. I can’t bear it any more.
-- What can I do for you? /Can I help you?
-- Can I take your order?
-- Will/Would you like something to drink/to eat?
-- What would you like to drink/to eat?
-- Would you care for …?
-- I’ll have …/ I’ll go for …/I’ll give …a try.
-- I’d quite like …to drink/to eat.
-- Mm, it sounds/smells/tastes good/delicious/excellent.
-- Here’s the menu. What would you suggest?
--You do the ordering for me?
-- I don’t think I’ll bother with…
-- I think I’ll give …a miss.
--Thanks. I’ve had enough. /I’m full.
-- Good to see you. May I join you?
-- Let me foot the bill.
--No, you be my guest.
--Well, let’s go Dutch.
1.       He usually gets up    six o’clock.
2.       He’s reading a book     the moment.
3.       She is drinking tea     the garden.
4.       They often go to the shops      the morning.
5.       We do our homework    night.
6.       After doing their homework, they can go    bed.
7.       It’s very cold    winter here.
8.       There it is! It’s     front of you.
9.       Put that bag on the armchair. What’s    it?
10.   He has a bad cold, so he must stay    bed. 
1. at  2. at  3. in  4. in  5. at  6. to  7. in  8. in  9. in  10. in
1.       A ship is going    the river. And a plane is flying over the river. Some children are looking      the ship and the plane.
2.       Two boys are jumping      the tree.
3.       The couple are sitting      the chairs. They are reading in the living room.
4.       We’re going to listen    the radio. What are you going to do?
5.       The nice flowers are      my friend. Today is her birthday.
6.       Please put the dishes        the sideboard. (餐具柜)
1. on  at  2. up  3. on  4. to  5. for  6. in/on 
1.  Jimmy    (be) in bed today. He            (not, feel ) well. He       (look ) ill. But he              (not, have ) a temperature. We               (must, call ) the doctor. I         (think ) today he can             (not, go ) out with us, but tomorrow he           (can, go) together.
2.  Yesterday, I      (be ) at the butcher’s. You       (be ) at the barber’s. And  Tom    (be ) absent from school.
3.  They            (have, not ) any water. Have/Do you        (have ) you any ?
1. is  doesn’t feel  looks  doesn’t have  must call  think  not go  can go
2. was  were  was  3. don’t have  have
补充材料 P21
airhead                                        笨蛋
cold fish                    冷漠的人
get one’s teeth into                强行执行
dear John letter                  绝交信
hot air                     空话
Time and tide wait for no man.           岁月不等人
There is no use crying over spilt milk.        不要为打翻的牛奶而哭泣
He is rich that has few wants.            知足者常乐
You don’t look very well. You’d better see a doctor.
What’s wrong/the matter with you?
I’ve caught a bad cold/cough.
Don’t worry. /Take it easy. There is nothing serious.
I don’t feel very well. I have a toothache/headache/fever
You look awful/terrible/pale.
You must stay/remain in bed. You need a good rest.
How are you feeling now?
My…hurts. /I’ve a sore throat. /I’ve got a pain(痛苦) in my back/leg/…
I’m afraid you need an X-ray.
I’ll take your temperature. Be patient, please.
I’ll give you some medicine. /I’ll write down a prescription(药方).
When shall I take the medicine?
How often should I take these pills? /How many tablets should I take each time?
It doesn’t matter. You’ll feel better soon.
You look fine/in the pink.
补充材料 P22 
Translation 自己做
1.       I am going to visit a friend     five o’clock this afternoon.
2.       Every day she visits her friends     the afternoon.
5.       the way to school, she lost her handbag.
6.  You were        the race last week, weren’t you?
7.We go to that church    Monday.
8. My son went abroad    1986.
9.     spring. It’s mild in our country.
10. Tens of thousands      people went to see the exhibition.
11. Her brother was absent         school last week.
12. We’re going to stay     my mother’s .
13 You arrived  here at three o’clock.
14. You can’t speak   me like that!
1. at  2. in  5. On  6. at/in  7. on  8. in  9. In 10. of  11. from  12. at  13. / 14. to
at the race :在赛场  in the race :在比赛中  be absent from :缺席
补充材料 P23
like :
-- What’s your favorite…?
-- What do you like best?
-- I like…best. /I love…/I’m pleased with…
-- I feel like doing…/I would like/love to…
-- What I most enjoy is …
-- I’m fond of …/I’m crazy about...  be fond of :喜欢
-- There’s nothing I enjoy more than…
Dislike :
-- I don’t like…at all.
-- I’m afraid I’d rather do…/I don’t like…
-- I can’t stand /put up with…
-- I hate…
补充材料 P24  Translation:
补充材料 P25
-- What can I do for you, madam?
-- How do you like this one? /What about…?
-- I’m looking for... /I’m thinking of buying…
-- What do you want to buy for your wife?
-- What size? /What color?
-- Size five. /Green.
-- These are in fashion this year. Don’t you want a try?
-- I prefer the blue one to the red one. /I like …better.
-- It looks good. Can I try it on? Where’s the fitting room?
-- It suits you. /Perfect!
-- Come on. You are kidding. I’m no longer in my twenties.
-- Oh, it’s a pity. It looks beautiful, but it doesn’t fit me.
-- You can have a …% discount.  percent 百分数(号)
-- That’s great. The price is reasonable. 合理的
-- I’ll take them. Can you pack them together for me?
-- Comes…Yuan in all.
补充材料 P27
-- Can/Could you help me? /Give me a hand, please.
-- Can you lend me your hand? I need your help.
-- Do/Would you mind doing...for me?
-- Do you mind if I do...?
-- Do me a favor, please. /Would you do me a favor to do…?
-- Would you please do…?
-- I hate to say, but I was wondering if I could …?
-- I should be grateful if you could…
-- Would you be so kind to do…?
-- What can I do for you? /Can I help you?
-- If you need my help, just call me please.
-- It’s my honor to be your servant.
补充材料 P30
1.       You’ve made        (many ) mistakes than Jim.
2.       Her car is         (new ) than mine.
3.       My boxes are               (big ) of all.
4.       That film is        (good ).
5.       I’ve got      (little ) ink than you ,but I’ve got          (many ) pens than you.
6.       I can give you some         (some ) butter than before.
7.       John is          (clever ) than Bob. Bob is           (clever ) than Tom. Tom is not    as         (clever ) as John. John is             (clever ) of the three.
8.       This first story is              (interesting ) than the second one. The third story     is                (interesting ) than the first. And the fourth is          (interesting ) than the second. So the fourth is                    (interesting ) of all.
9.       The Sahara is              (big) desert in the world. 
1. more  2. newer  3. the biggest  4. good  5. less  more  6. more  7. cleverer  cleverer  clever  the cleverest  8. more interesting  more interesting  more interesting  the most interesting  9. the biggest
补充材料 P30
1.       It’s a fine day,         ?
2.       She has been to the Great Wall,          ?
3.       The woman says that she       ill last week.
4.       Those people didn’t come from France,           ?
5.       The boss told Miss Jones         (type ) a letter for him.
6.       I want to talk          you.
1. isn’t it   2. hasn’t she  3. was  4. did they  5. to type  6. with/to
补充材料 P36
1.       He said he           (see ) the film already.
2.       She said they             (return ) to Paris the next day.
3.       I told the boy            (stand up ) at once.  tell sb. to do sth.
4.       They told us we                         (win) the first prize.
5.       It’s said that the earth       (go) around the sun.
6.       He said when we     (come) in, he            (read) a book.
7.       That lady        (sell) her jewellery last month.
8.       Till yesterday, that lady              (sell out) all her jewellery.
9.       There         (be) an important meeting this evening.
1.       had seen  2. would return  3. to stand up  4. won/had won/would win  5. goes
6. came   was reading  7. sold  8. had sold out  9. will be
补充材料 P37
1.       They say      they will go to church tomorrow.
2.       The old lady asked       time it , was.   ask sb. to do sth.
3.       Jim asked his father   buy him a new schoolbag.
4.       My wife wants to know     you need some help.
5.       He asked her     she was eager to go abroad.
6.          you drop the vase, you’ll pay for it .
7.       If you promise it won’t happen again, I      forgive you.
8.       I want to know         season you like best.
9.       He asked me    I would like to go with him.
10.   The girl decided to buy the pen          was shown on the shelf.
11.   You’re that person      I’m looking for.
1. (that)  2. what  3. to  4. if  5. if  6. If  7. will  8. which  9. if  10. which 11. /
补充材料 P38
1.       This house            (build ) last year.
2.       That film             (show) already.
3.       If the window          (break), You’ll pay for it.
4.       When the missing girl           (find), she was sleeping.
5.       I           (make) up my mind before she telephoned me.
6.       At eight o’clock yesterday morning, he           (read) the English book.
7.       While she          (do) her housework, her husband gave her a sweet kiss.
8.       I found the students forgot          (lock) the door when they left the room.
1. was built   2. has been shown  3. is broken   4. was found   5. had made
6. was reading   7. was doing  8. to lock
1.       Last night, the man had been introduced to others in the party.
2.       She said she would win the match on next week.
3.       Did the pretty woman made her mind?
4.       I didn’t want to do nothing.
5.       Do you know that when I can know my marks of those exams. 
6.       I want to ask where are we going.
7.       She is looking for the key of her room.         
8.       They have never seen the film, haven’t they?
9.       -- It isn’t a fine day, is it? – Yes, it isn’t a fine day.           
10.   I knew that the earth wasn’t round.
11. Those people are Japaneses.
12. My brother didn’t like coffee. Neither do I.
13. I lost my watch, so I want to buy it.
14. He is the man that I served yesterday.
15. He was arriving home when I rang him.
1. had been introduced à过去时 was introduced   2. 去掉 on  3. made à make
4. nothing à anything  5. that when  去掉that 
6. where are we goingà where we are going.  7. of à to 
8. never 表示否定 haven’t theyà have they  9. Yes à No 回答应该前后一致
10. 客观真理  wasn’t à isn’t  11. Japaneses à Japanese
12. 前后时态应该一致 Neither do I à Neither did I.
13. 如果在同一个句子中出现一个it代词,一般指代上面出现的。It à one
14. 正常 15. 正常
a friend of mine
在表示“的”时,一般是:’s (人)/of …(物)
the window of the house
a friend of my father
a, the ,some ,any 限定词
my, mine, his, her 所有格代词
It happened to a friend of mine.
who ,whom 的问题
先行词+宾语,主语(人)时,who, whom 均可用
一般来说,做主语时用who;做宾语时可用who, whom, that, 可以省略。
(1)       时态:现在进行时、一般现在时、一般现在完成时、一般将来时、过去进行时、过去完成时
(2)       问句:一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句、
否定疑问句(doesn’t she like you?)
(3)       从句:宾语从句、定语从句(限定性定语从句)、表语从句、
表语从句(That is why I don’t like English.)
(4)       倒装句:neither, so 的倒装
(5)       感叹句:what, how
(7)       省略句:省略重复出现的相同成分
(8)       引语:直接引语和间接引语
(9)       直接宾语和间接宾语
(10)   形容词的用法
(11)   情态动词:must, can, may, need
(12)   介词:at, in, on, from, along
(13)   动词不定式做宾语或宾语补足语的用法
(14)   限定词a, the, some …
(15)   冠词的用法a/an, the
(16)   名词的种类,名词的数格
(1)       虚拟语气
也许有一些语法错误= =大家表误会,欢迎协助修改……
, , s="MsoNormal" , cl,>charge v. 罚款
darling n. 亲爱的(用作表示称呼)
Lesson 131 Don't be so sure!
Egypt n. 埃及
abroad adv. 国外
worry v. 担忧
Lesson 128 He can't be …/He must be …
He must be a doctor.
He can't be a doctor.
He must have been a doctor.
He can't have been a doctor.
He may be a doctor.
He may have been a doctor.
He must have gone.
He must have visited.
He must be swimming.
He can't be swimming.
He must have been swimming.
He can't have been swimming.
He may be swimming.
He may have been swimming.
He can't be ill.
He must be tired.
It can't be my new hat.
It must be my old one.
She can't be Danish.
She must be Swedish.
He can't be a dentist.
He must be a doctor.
She can't be forty.
She must be fifty.
It can't be the 20th.
It must be the 21st.
He can't be the youngest.
He must be the oldest.
He can't be reading.
He must be sleeping.
Exercises Examples
1 He has to be here at six o'clock.
2 I think he is probably busy.
3 He has to be at the office early tomorrow.
4 I think he is probably sleeping.
5 I think he is probably French.
6 He has to be in France next week.
7 I think he is probably an engineer.
B Examples
1 I don't think so. She can't be Italian. She must be Greek.
2 I don't think so. He can't be English. He must be American.
3 I don't think so. They can't be Canadian. They must be Australian.
7 I don't think so. He can't be twenty-four. He must be thirty.
15 I don't think so. It can't be easy. It must be difficult.
18 I don't think so. He can't be reading. He must be sleeping.
19 I don't think so. They can't be listening to the radio. They must be watching television.
20 I don't think so. She can't be retiring. She must be looking for a new job.
Lesson 130 He can't have been …/He must have been …
He can't have been ill.
He must have been tired.
It can't have been my new hat.
It must have been my old one.
She can't have been Danish.
She must have been Swedish.
He can't have been a dentist.
He must have been a doctor.
She can't have been forty.
She must have been fifty.
It can't have been the 20th.
It must have been the 21st.
He can't have been the youngest.
He must have been the oldest.
He can't have been reading.
He must have been sleeping.
had to的后边只能跟动词的原形,must have been后可以跟形容词,名词和动词的-ing形式。
I must have been tired at that time.
He must have been a manager.
He must have been driving at 100 kilometers an hour.
1 must have been
2 had to
3 must have been
4 had to
5 had to
6 must have been
B Example
1 I don't think they were. They can't have been Canadian. They must have been Australian.
2 I don't think she was. She can't have been Finnish. She must have been Russian.
5 I don't think she was. She can't have been a dentist. She must have been a doctor.
9 I don't think he was. He can't have been seventy-six. He must have been over eighty.
16 I don't think she was. She can't have been old. She must have been young.
18 I don't think they were. They can't have been listening to the radio. They must have been watching television.
19 I don't think she was. She can't have been retiring. She must have been looking for a new job.
20 I don't think they were. They can't have been sitting. They must have been standing.
Lesson 132 He may be …/He may have been … I'm not sure
Where is Harry?
He may be in his room.
I'm not sure.
Where will he go?
He may go to the cinema.
I'm not sure.
Why is he late?
He may be busy.
I'm not sure.
What is he doing?
He may be reading.
I'm not sure.
Why was he late?
He may have been busy.
I'm not sure.
What was he doing?
He may have been reading.
I'm not sure.
B Examples
1 I'm not sure. They may be Australian.
2 I'm not sure. She may be Russian.
3 I'm not sure. They may be Chinese.
4 I'm not sure. They may have been bakers.
5 I'm not sure. She may have been a doctor.
10 I'm not sure. She may have been under fifty.
17 I'm not sure. He may have been tired.
18 I'm not sure. They may be watching television.
19 I'm not sure. She may have been looking for a new job.
20 I'm not sure. They may be standing.
Lesson 127 A famous actress
be famous for/ be famous as
She is famous for her beauty.
He is famous as a writer.
She is a famous actress.
She is famous.
at most
I read she was only 29.
Karen Marsh
Can you recognize that woman?
I think I can.
She must be Karen Marsh.
I think so.
I thought so.
A man is sitting beside her.
Who's sitting beside her?
Who's the man beside her?
He must be Conrad Reeves.
He can't be.
I think you're right.
He is her third husband.
He isn't her third husband.
Isn't he her third husband?
No. He must be her fourth or fifth.
Karen Marsh looks old.
Karen Marsh doesn't look old.
Doesn't Karen Marsh look old!
Lesson 127 A famous actress
Karen Marsh looks old.
Karen Marsh doesn't look old.
Doesn't Karen Marsh look old!
I read she's only twenty-nine, but she must be at least forty.
I'm sure she is.
She was a famous actress when I was at school.
When I was at school, she was a famous actress.
That was a long time ago.
Not that long ago!
I'm not more than twenty-nine my self.
Can you recognize that woman, Liz?
I think I can, Kate.
It must be Karen Marsh, the actress.
I thought so.
Who's that beside her?
That must be Conrad Reeves.
Conrad Reeves, the actor?
It can't be.
Let me have another look.
I think you're right!
Isn't he her third husband?
No. He must be her fourth or fifth.
Doesn't Karen Marsh look old!
She does, doesn't she!
I read she's twenty-nine, but she must be at least forty.
I'm sure she is.
She was a famous actress when I was still at school.
That was a long time ago, wasn't it?
Not that long ago!
I'm not more than twenty-nine myself.
Does Karen Marsh look old!
Lesson 129 Seventy miles an hour
wave v. 招手
track n. 跑道
mile n. 英里
overtake(overtook/overtaken) v. 从后面超越,超车
speed limit 限速
dream v. 做梦,思想不集中
sign n. 标记,牌子
driving licence 驾驶执照
charge v. 罚款
darling n. 亲爱的
wave n. 波
wave to sb.
wave sb. goodbye
That policeman is waving to you.
overconfident [自负]
overfish [滥捕]
overbuild [滥建]
oversleep [睡过头]
I was late yesterday. I overslept.
overeat [吃多了]
overcharge [收费过多]
overdress [打扮的太夸张了]
Look, Gary!
That policeman's waving to you.
I want you to stop.
That policeman wants Gary to stop.
Where are you?
race match/competition/championship/tournament
on the race track
You must have been driving at seventy miles an hour.
I can't have been driving at seventy miles an hour.
Did you see the speed limit?
Didn't you see the speed limit?
I'm afraid I didn't.
I must have been dreaming.
He wasn't dreaming.
tell sb. to do sth.
I always tell you to drive slowly.
My wife told me to drive slowly yesterday.
at that time/moment
I was telling him to drive slowly at that time.
Let me see your driving licence.
I won't charge you this time.
You'd better drive slowly next time.
You'd better not do that again!
I'll certainly be more careful.
I told you to drive slowly.
You always tell me to drive slowly, darling.
take one's advice
You'd better take my advice next time!
Look, Gary!
That policeman's waving to you.
He wants you to stop.
Where do you think you are?
On a race track?
You must have been driving at seventy miles an hour.
I can't have been.
I was doing eighty when I overtook you.
Didn't you see the speed limit?
I must have been dreaming.
He wasn't dreaming, officer.
I was telling him to drive slowly.
That's why I didn't see the sign.
Let me see your driving licence.
I won't charge you this time.
But you'd better not do it again!
Thank you.
I'll certainly be more careful.
I told you to drive slowly, Gary.
You always tell me to drive slowly, darling.
Well, next time you'd better take my advice!
He is a student. She is beautiful.
Let sb. do sth.
tell sb. to do sth.
take one's advice
Lesson 131 Don't be do sure!
Egypt n. 埃及
abroad adv. 国外
worry v. 担忧
go abroad/study abroad
worry about
Where are you going to spend your holidays this year, Gary?
We may go abroad.
I'm not sure.
My wife wants to go to Egypt.
I'd like to go there, too. [would like]
We can't make up our minds.
Will you travel by sea or by air?
We may travel by sea.
It's cheaper, isn't it?
It may be cheaper, but it takes a long time.
I'm sure you'll enjoy yourselves.
Don't be so sure.
We might not go anywhere.
My wife always worries too much.
Who's going to look after the dog?
Who's going to look after the house?
Who's going to look after the garden?
We have this problem every year.
In the end, we stay at home and look after everything!
decide to do sth.
make a (big) decision
determine to do sth./determined
I'm determined to do sth.
make up one's mine (to do sth.)
decide to do sth./make a decision
determine to do sth.
be determined to do sth.
I have made up my mind to study English well.
补充材料 P35
1 may come
2 must I do
3 must have been ill
4 may have finished
5 may have been sleeping
6 needn't worry about anything
7 must study hard
8 can't be … must be
cross my heart 发誓
just for haugh 只是开玩笑
pull one's leg 欺骗某人,开玩笑,逗某人玩儿
miss the bus/boat 错过机会
Least talk, most work. 少说多做
Never do things by halves. 不要半途而废
You are quite right.
That's my opinion, too.
That's exactly what I want to say.
You said it!
You can say that again.
For sure! I can't agree more.
To a certain extent, yes, but …
Yes, corect in a sense, but there're other problems.
I don't think so.
I'm not sure if I agree with you.
I'm afraid I have a different opinion.
I can't say that …
I see your point, but …
I can't go along with your view.
P33 Exercises
1 Someone
2 everywhere/anywhere
3 everyone
4 was doing
5 was reading
6 is singing
7 plays
8 had arrived at
9 will visit
10 got to/had begun
11 was
12 were watching
13 keeps/kept/is keeping [I was a student. I went there.]
14 have never seen
Excuse me. Do you know the way to …?
I want to go to … Where is it?
Which is the way to …
Can you tell me how can I get to …/ how to ….
Would you please show me the way?
Can you direct me to …
Is this the way to …
Follow your nose and you'll find the station.
Go along/down/ahead until you reach …
Turn left/right at the first turning/crossing
Take the first turning on your right.
When you see the traffic lights, turn left.
Keep going before you come to …
It's just across the street/around the corner/opposite the shop/next to the school.
You will have to get off at … stop.
Is it far from here? How far is it?
It's only about ... far (away).
It's not very far. You can walk within ... minutes. It's about five minutes' walk.
You can take No.3 bus to get there.
It will take you half an hour to get there by bike.
P31 Exercises
1 Someone/Somebody
2 everywhere
3 nothing
4 None
5 Everyone
6 any [some of the children]
7 anything
8 anyone
1 in
2 on
3 off
4 except
5 to
6 in
7 for [on sale]
8 for
9 like
10 in
P30 Exercises

补充教材 P28
-- Would you/Do you mind if I(did/do…)?
-- May/Can I possibly do…?
-- Do you think it would be possible for me to…?
-- Is it OK if I…?
-- I hope you didn’t mind my asking, but…
-- Please let me…
-- I wonder if I could…
-- May I have your permission to…?
-- Do you think I could…?
(agreement): -- Yes ,centainly /of course ,
-- Of  course not . Go ahead .
-- That’s fine . Why not ?
(disagreement): -- I’m afraid you can’t …
-- I’d like to , but …
-- No way ./Sorry .
Lesson 133 Sensational news !
reporter           n.记者
sensational        adj.爆炸性的,耸人听闻的  sensational news
mink coat         貂皮大衣
Lesson 135 The latest report
future            n.未来的   in the future   future wife  future husband
get married        结婚
hotel             n.饭店
latest            adj.最新的  latest news
introduce         v.介绍
1.  跟在表示人的情感和心理活动的形容词后面(afraid, sure )
be +adj.+that 从句(当前面是一般现在时,后面可用任何时态)
2.  说、认为、知道、相信……前面直接加主语,后面跟that从句
You are wrong..
I think,”You are wrong.”
I think that you are wrong
She said,”I want to go home.”
She said(that)she wanted to go home.
My mother told us,”I am making cakes.”
My mother told us she was making cakes.
She said,”I will make another film next year.”
She said she would make another film next year.
will(任何人称),shall(第一人称)-->would  should:应该
He said,”I have finished my work.”
He said he had finished his word.
She said,”I helped him.”
He said,”I can come tomorrow.”
He said he could come tomorrow.
She said.”I may retire next year.”
She said she might retire next year.
She said.”I have just made a new film.”
She said she had just made a new film.
She said.”I am going to make another film.”
She said she was going to make another film.
She said,”I am going to retire.”
She said she was going to retire.
She said,”I don’t want to make another film.”
She told the reporters,”I feel very tired.”
She told the reporters she felt very tired.
Lesson133 Sensational news!
Have you just made a new film, Miss Marsh?
Yes, I have.
Are you going to make another?
No, I’m not.
I’m going to retire.
I feel very tired.
I don’t want to make another film for a long time.
Let’s buy a newspaper, Liz.
Listen to this!
‘Karen Marsh: Sensational News!
By our reporter, Alan Jones. 被动语态,省略written
Karen Marsh arrived at London Airport today.
She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat.
She told me she had just made a new film.
She said she was not going to make another.
She said she was going to retire.
She told reporters she felt very tired and didn’t want to make another film for a long time.’
I wonder why!
 wonder=want to know (wonder+宾语从句)
Lesson 134 He said(that)he...  He told me(that)he...
B Answer these questions
I’m tired.—What did he say?
He said he was tired.
1.       I’m busy.—What did he say?
   He said he was busy.
2.       she’s cold.—what did he say?
   He said she was cold.
3.       The book’s interesting.—What did she say? 
She said the book was interesting.
4.       They’re hungry. –What did he say?
He said they were hungry.
C  Answer these questions
I’m reading. –What did he tell you?
He told me he was reading.
1.       I’m working. –What did he tell you?
He told me he was working.
2.       she’s leaving.—What did they tell you?
They told me she was leaving.
3.       They’re joking. –What did she tell you?
She told me they were joking.
4.       Tom’s waiting.—What did he tell you?
He told me Tom was waiting.
D  Answer these questions.
I’m finished. –What did he tell you?
He told me he had finished .
1.       I’ve met him. –What did he tell you?
He told me he had met him.
2.       I’ve lost it. –What did he tell you?
He told me he had lost it.
3.       It has stopped. –What did she tell you?
He told me it had stopped.
4.       She has arrived. –What did they tell you?
They told me she had arrived.
Lesson 136 He said (that)he...  He told me(that)he...
B  Answer these questions.
I will leave tomorrow. –What did he say?
He said he would leave tomorrow.
1.       Penny will open the window. –What did he say?
He said Penny would open the window.
2.       I will change some money. –What did she say?
She said she would change some money.
3.       It will rain tomorrow. –What did he say?
He said it would rain tomorrow.
4.       They will arrive later. –What did he say?
He said they would arrive later.
5.       He will repair it. –What did she say?
She said he would repair it.
6.       I will write to him. –What did he say?
He said he would write to him.
C  Answer these questions
I can do this Maths problem.—What did he tell you?
He told me he could do this Maths problem
1.       I can understand English.—What did he tell you?
He told me he could understand English.
2.       I can recognize him.—What did she tell you?
She told me she could recognize him.
3.       They can afford it.—What did they tell you?
They told me they could afford it.
D  Answer these questions
I may go to the cinema. –What did he say?
He said he might go to the cinema.
1.       They may arrive tomorrow. –What did they say?
They said they might arrive tomorrow.
2.       I may retire.—What did he tell you?
He told me he might retire.
3.       I may telephone him.—What did she say/
She said she might telephone him.
Lesson 135 The latest report
future            n.未来的   in the future   future wife  future husband
get married        结婚
hotel             n.饭店
latest            adj.最新的  latest news
introduce         v.介绍
Are you really going to retire, Miss Marsh?
I may.
I can’t make up my mind.
I will have to ask my future husband.
(She said she would have to ask her future husband )
He won’t let me make another film.        使役动词Let sb. do sth. 
(She said her future husband would not let her make another film )
Your future husband, Miss Marsh?
Yes. Let me introduce him to you.
His name is Carlos.
We’re going to get married next week.
(She said she couldn’t make up her mind .)
(She said she would get married next week.)
(That’sensational news. He will be her sixth husband.)
Look, Liz!
Here’s another report about Karen Marsh.
Listen: ‘Karen Marsh: The latest.
At her London Hotel today Miss Marsh told reporters she might retire.
She said she couldn’t make up her mind.
She said she would have to ask her future husband.
She said her future husband would not let her make another film.
Then she introduced us to Carlos and told us they would get married next week.’
That’s sensational news, isn’t it, Kate?
It certainly is. He’ll be her sixth husband!
Let sb. do sth. 
Want to do sth.
Make sb. do sth.
see sb. do sth. 看到全过程
see sb. doing sth. 看到这个动作正在进行
I saw him swimming in the river.
I can hear the girl singing in the next room.
let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事
make sb. do sth.  使某人做某事
have sb. do sth.  让某人做某事
let,make,have sb.+ done
如果make这个词用于被动语态,后面要加to :be made to do sth.
I will have my hair cut.
She had her car repaired.
Help sb.(to)do sth.
Lesson137 A pleasant dream
football       n.足球(英);橄榄球(美)play football  soccer:英式足球
pool [pu:l]    n.赌注        football pool:足球赌注
win            v.赢
world          n.世界
poor [pu[]     adj.贫穷的 
depend         v.依靠(on)
(do)the football pool:足球赌注
I do the football pool every year. But I never win anything.
They are doing the football pool. They are sure that they will win something this time.   I’m sure I will win the football pool this week.
He is not a man who(whom/that) you can depend on.
believe: 相信某人说的话
believe in: 信任某人
He is not a friend you can believe in.
Everything depends on the dream.
If: 如果(条件从句):是否
If it rains tomorrow, we won’t go out.
We won’t go out, if it rains tomorrow.
If you break the window, you will have to pay for it.
We will miss the train, if you don’t hurry.
If you feel better, you must go to school.
marry + sb. 嫁(取)某人
If you really love him, you may marry him.
can --表示人的能力
Julie  Brian
What does Julie want to do if they win a lot of money?
See the world.
What does her husband want to do?
First, buy a mink coat for his wife.
Travel round the world.
Stay at the best hotels
Buy a big house
But if they spend all the money what will they do?
They will do the football pools again.
But what does everything depend on?
It’s just a pleasant dream!
Julie and Brian are doing the football pools now.
They always do the football pools.
But they never win anything.
They are sure they will win something this week.
If Brian wins a lot of money he will buy a mink coat for his wife.
He says if he wins a lot of money he will buy a mink coat for his wife.
But his wife doesn’t want a mink coat.
She says if they win a lot of money she’ll see the world.
If they win a lot of money they’ll travel round the world.
If I win a lot of money I’ll buy a big house.
My father says if he wins a lot of money he’ll stay at the best hotels.
If I spend all the money I’ll do the football pools again.
Brian says if he spends all the money he’ll do the football pools again.
But everything depends on ‘if’!
It’s only a pleasant dream.
Are you doing the football pools, Brian?
Yes, I’ve nearly finished, Julie.
I sure we’ll win something this week.
You always say that, but we never win anything!
What’ll you do if you win a lot of money?
If I win a lot of money I’ll buy you a mink coat. /buy sth. for sb.
I don’t want a mink coat!
I want to see the world.
All right.
If we win a lot of money we’ll travel round the world and we’ll stay at the best hotels.
Then we’ll return home and buy a big house in the country.
We’ll have a beautiful garden and…
But if we spend all that money we’ll be poor again.
What’ll we do then?
If we spend all the money we’ll try and win the football pools again.
It’s a pleasant dream but everything depends on ‘if’!
Lesson 138 If……
1.       If he misses the bus, he’ll take a taxi.
2.       If he doesn’t sell his old car, he won’t buy a new one.
3.       If they offer me more money, I’ll work less.
4.       type the letter/type it(by)myself
If she doesn’t type the letter, he’ll type it himself.
5.       come home early/play in he garden
If the children come home early, they’ll play in the garden.
6.       If I am ill tomorrow, I won’t go to work.
7.       If I go to the party, I’ll enjoy myself/have a good time.
8.       to tell you the truth/tell him the truth
If he asks me, I’ll tell him the truth.
9.       If it rains tomorrow, my mother’ll stay at home.
rich: 富有的
He is rich.  If he is rich, he can work less.
1.       live abroad
I can live abroad, if I’m rich.
4.  If they are rich, they can have a long holiday.
6.  If you are rich, you can offer your boss a job.
7.  If I am rich, I’ll fly to Tokyo.
3.  He can buy a new house, if he is rich.
Lesson 139 Is that you, John?
extra       adj.额外的
overseas    adj.海外的,国外的
engineering  n.工程
company    n.公司
line        n.线路
1.  由that引导的从句,that可以省略;
2.  知道、希望、相信等动词,前面一般现在时,后面任何时态;
3.  If/whether(是否)引导,如果后面是选择疑问句,用whether;特殊疑问词what/why/where,把疑问句变成陈数句语序。  
I wonder/do you want to go home
I wonder if you want to go home.
Do you need help?
My wife wonders if you need help.
What are you doing?
I want to know what you are doing.
What are you talking about?
I don’t understand what you are talking about.
, ,
Where are you going tomorrow?
I want to know where you are going tomorrow.
When will the train leave?
I don’t know when the train will leave.
1 .I want to know if you are late. Tell me if you are late.
  I want to know why you are late. Tell me why you are late.
2. I want to know if you are dirty. Tell me if you are dirty.
  I want to know why you are dirty, Tell me why you are dirty.
I want to know if you are writing. Tell me if you are writing.
I want to know what you are writing. Tell me what you are writing.
   2.  I want to know if you are cooking. Tell me if you are cooking.
      I want to know what you are cooking. Tell me what you are cooking.
1.       I want to know if Tom got up early. Tell me if Tom got up early.
I want to know when Tom got up. Tell me when Tom got up.
2.  I want to know if Tom arrived late. Tell me if Tom arrived late.
   I want to know when Tom arrived. Tell me when Tom arrived.
3.  I want to know if Tom did his homework yesterday.
Tell me if Tom did his homework yesterday.
   I want to know when Tom did his homework. Tell me when Tom did his homework.
4.  I  want to know if Tom had a bath yesterday. Tell me if Tom had a bath yesterday.
   I want to know when Tom had a bath. Tell me when Tom had a bath.
Lesson 139 Is that you, John?
Is that you, John?
Yes, speaking.
Tell Mary we’ll be late for dinner this evening.
I’m afraid I don’t understand.
Hasn’t Mary told you?
She invited Charlotte and me to dinner this evening.
I said I would be at your house at six o’clock, but the boss wants me to do some extra work..
I’ll have to stay at the office.
I don’t know when I’ll finish.
Oh, and by the way, my wife wants to know if Mary needs any help.
I don’t know what you’re talking about.
That is John Smith, isn’t it?
Yes, I’m John Smith.
You are John Smith, the engineer, aren’t you?
That’s right.
You work for the Overseas Engineering Company, don’t you?
No, I don’t.
I’m John Smith the telephone engineer and I’m repairing your telephone line.
Lesson 141 Sally’s first train ride
excited       adj.兴奋的
get on        登上
middle-aged   adj.中年的
opposite       prep.在…对面
curiously      adv.好奇地
funny         adj.可笑的,滑稽的
powder        n.香粉
compact       n.带镜的化妆盒
kindly         adv. 和蔼地
ugly           adj.丑陋的
amused        adj.有趣的
smile          v.微笑
embarrassed     adj.尴尬的,窘迫的
My father repaired my car yesterday.
My car was repaired by my father yesterday.
            They invite me to dinner every week.
            I am invited to dinner by them.
            We invite them to attend the meeting every year.
            They are invited to attend the meeting by us every year.
            They invite my daughter to the children’s party every week.
            My daughter is invite to the children’s party every week.
           My grandfather bought the piano many years ago.
           The piano was bought by grandfather many years ago.
           My sister broke these glasses.
           These glasses were broken by my sister.
           My father has already repaired my car.
           My car has already been repaired by my father.
           They are building the house.
           The house is being built by them.
           They will set up a new school next year.
           The house is being built by them.
           They will set up a new school next year.
           A new school will be set up (by them ) next year.
     They were building the house at this time last year.
          The house was being built by them at this time last year.
     They had finished the project by the end of last year.
          They project had been finished by the end of last year.
     You must finish the work before five o’clock.
          The work must be finished before five o’clock.
B: P288
1.  Some airs it regularly.   It is aired regularly.
2.  Someone cleans them regularly.  They are cleaned regularly.
Last week, my four-year-old daughter, Sally, was invited to a children’s party.
I decided to take her by train.
Sally was very excited because she had never travelled on a train before.
Sally sat near the window and asked questions about everything she saw.
Suddenly, a middle-aged lady got on the train and sat opposite Sally.
‘Hello, little girl,’ she said.
Sally did not answer, but looked at her curiously.
The lady was dressed in a blue coat and a large, funny hat.
After the train had left the station, the lady opened her handbag and took out her powder compact.
She then began to make up her face.
‘Why are you doing that?’ Sally asked.
‘To make myself beautiful,’ the lady answered.
She put away her compact and smiled kindly.
‘But you are still ugly,’ Sally said.
Sally was amused, but I was very embarrassed!
Lesson 143 A walk through the woods
surround      v.包围        place          v. 放
wood         n.树林         throw(threw,thrown)  v.扔,抛
beauty spot     n.风景点       rubbish             n.垃圾
hundred         n.百         count           v.数,点
city             n.城市           cover          n.封面v.覆盖,跨越
through         prep.穿过       piece               n.碎片
visitor        n.参观者,游客,来访者 tyre                n.轮胎
&l, t;, P class=MsoNormal>tidy            adj.整齐的          rusty               adj.生锈的
litter            n.杂乱的东西     among             prep.在…之间
litter basket      废物筐        prosecute           v.依法处置
be surrounded by :被……包围
百、千、百万……前面有具体的数字,后面不加-s,如果是不确定的,后面要加-s(hundreds of 数以百计的)
throw away:把……扔掉   counter:柜台  
computer:计算机  compute:计算(根据已有的数据)
be covered with:被……覆盖 She covered sixty miles yesterday.
from cover to cover:从头到尾地读
The snow covered the village yesterday.
cover sth. with  It’s cold. Please cover the baby with a coat.
I live in a very old town which is surrounded by beautiful woods.(定语从句)
It’s a famous beauty spot.
On Sundays, hundreds of people come from the city to see our town and to walk through the woods. (每逢星期日)                   (走过)
Visitors have been asked to keep the woods clean and tidy.(被动语态)
Litter baskets have been placed under the trees, but people still throw their rubbish everywhere.
Last Wednesday, I went for a walk in the woods.(去散步)
What I saw made me very sad.(主语从句)
I counted seven old cars and three old refrigerators.
The litter baskets were empty and the ground was covered with pieces of paper, cigarette ends, old tyres, empty bottles and rusty tins.
Among the rubbish, I found a sign which said, ‘Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted!’
补充材料 P3
--See you (soon/later/next time/…)
--Good night. /goodbye./Bye-bye.
--It’s nice to see you.
--How time files! I have to be going now.
--I must go off/be off/be leaving.
--I suppose I’d better go.
--I’m really enjoying meeting you.
--It’s a pleasure to be with you here, but…
--I can’t believe that time has come to say goodbye to you.
--Thank you for all you’ve done for me.
--Let’s keep in touch./Don’t forget to drop me a line.
--All the best to you./Remember me to your…
--We must get together again soon.
补充材料 P4
--during the dog days     在非常热的天;倒霉的日子
--get one’s goat      惹某人生气
--black and blue      遍体鳞伤
--as busy as a bee     象蜜蜂一样的忙碌
--a green hand       生手;新手
--rob Peter to pay Paul    借债还债
--Every dog has his/its day.  凡人皆有得意日
补充材料 P6
--get/feel hot under the collar    气得青筋暴跳
--a lucky dog/live a dog’s life    幸运儿/生活不如意
--Love me, love my dog.        爱屋及乌
--be blue in the face            生气
--chewi, ng gum                口香糖
--on top of the world           (表示一个人)非常的幸福
--Walls have ears.              隔墙有耳
--I’m/My name is……
--May I introduce myself?/Allow me to introduce myself. 
Allow sb. to do sth.:允许某人做某事
--This is……/Come and meet my friend.
--May I introduce……to you?
--I’d like you to know/meet……
--Sorry, I don’t think we’ve met. I wonder if you can tell me/let me know your name.
--Can/could you introduce yourself?/Would you like to make yourself known to others?
--Sorry, I didn’t catch your name. Would you please tell me your name?
补充材料 P7
--follow your nose             凭着你的感觉
--be led by the nose         被牵头鼻子走
--make one’s mark         使某人出名
--man-eater            食人兽;性感女性
--money to burn          很有钱的
--make one’s mouth water      让某人对某事垂涎三尺
--meet one’s waterloo        某人遭到了失败
--Many hands make light work.     众人拾柴火焰高;人多力量大
Lady-killer: 性感男子;有魅力的男子
补充材料 P8
--Be on one’s high horse           趾高气扬
--Fight tooth and nail             奋力作战
--White lie                 善意的谎言
--Eye for eye                以牙还牙
--Cup of tea                喜爱之物
--Face the music               面对现状
--Out of sight, out of mind           眼不见心不烦
--No pains, no gains.             不劳无获
--The outsider sees the most of the game.     旁观者清
 By the way,  ……
  I forget to mention that…….
 You can smile, nod your head and have the eye contacts.
  Also you can say like these:
  Good for you!/Really?/You don’t say! /yes. /I think so. /I see.
  Please tell me more.
  Glad to hear that. /Sorry to hear that.
 I’m sorry to disturb you, but may I ask a question?
  Let’s be open here! Can we have a chat before?
补充材料 P9
电话实用句式Telephone conversation:
-- Hello, is that…… ( speaking )?. Here is……. ( speaking ). Is…….there?
-- This is …….( speaking ). Who’s that?
-- May I know who is calling, please?
-- May I speak to/have a word with …? /I’d like to speak to …
-- Hello! Can I help you? Whom do you want to speak to?
-- All right. Hold on please.
-- Sorry, he/she isn’t in. May I take a message for you?
-- Would you like him to call you back?  Could you leave your number?
-- Would you mind calling back later?  ( Mind doing sth.后面永远跟ing  )
-- I’ll tell him to ring back.
-- I’m sorry, there’s no one here by the name.
-- I’m afraid you’ve got/dialed the wrong number.
补充材料 P10
-- Be left in the cold         被冷落
-- A bed of roses          幸福,非常地开心
-- Go bananas           发疯
-- A black sheep          败家子
-- A piece of cake          小菜一碟
-- Do it well or not at all.       做就把它做好,否则就不要做。
-- Look before you leap.       三思而后行。
-- Easier said than done.       说起来容易,做起来难。
on time :    准时
in time:   及时
in no time:  不时的,立刻
off and on:  时断时续
-- What’s the time (by your watch )?
-- What time do you have? /What time is it?
-- It’s at …o’clock. (past/to/half past )
-- What’s the date today? /What was the date yesterday?
-- What day is it today? /What’s the day today?
-- It’s time for+n. (doing )… /It’s time to+v. (原形)… /It’s time that…
-- Time is limited/running out.
-- I suppose it’s about time (that )…
-- When is the meeting? /When does the meeting begin?
补充材料 P12
Better half              &nb, sp; &nb, sp;               对妻子、或丈夫的戏称
green thumb                园艺技能
be all ears                 全神贯注
be all thumbs                笨手笨脚的
kiss something goodbye           恋恋不舍的把某物给别人
keep one’s mouth out of sth.          不要多管闲事
Failure is the mother of success.         失败是成功之母
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.    光工作不玩耍聪明的孩子也变傻
-- Thank you (Thanks ) very much/a lot.
-- Many thanks. /Great. /You’re so kind.
-- I’m much/most grateful to you (for …)
-- That’s very kind/good/nice of you to …
-- You’ve so thoughtful.
-- I can never thank you enough.
-- Thank you. That’s the nicest thing anyone’s said to me all day.
-- No thanks necessary. /Not at all. /That’s all right. /That’s OK.
  Forget (about ) it. /Don’t mention it. /You’re welcome.
-- It’s my pleasure.
-- I’m pleased /glad to be at you service.
-- A small piece of cake.
-- Nothing much.
Welcome to China.
补充材料 P16
-- Sorry for being late. /I’m sorry (that )…
-- I’m awfully sorry for that!
-- Sorry to have taken up so much of your time.
-- Sorry to have given/brought you so much trouble.
-- It’s my fault. I apologize…
-- I’m apologizing for that!
(Informal )
-- I do beg you pardon, sir/madam.
-- Sorry, I didn’t mean to …
-- I promise that it won’t happen again.
-- I hope you’re not upset with me.
-- It was wrong of me to …
  It was wrong of me to use your bike without your permission.
-- It doesn’t matter. /You’re forgiven.
-- That’s quite all right. Forget it .
-- Never mind. It can’t be helped.
补充材料 P17
-- What’s the weather like?
-- It’s a fine day today. The sun is shining.
-- It’s fine/windy /sunny/rainy/cloudy/cold/hot/warm/cool.
-- I bet it’s going to rain soon.
-- Is the weather changeable here?
-- What a good/nice/beautiful/wonderful/pleasant day!
-- It’s been raining cats and dogs.  (倾盆大雨)
-- Really cold today. I’m freezing.
-- What a terrible day! It made me down.
-- It has been awfully ho this week. During the dog days.
  I can do nothing at all. I can’t bear it any more.
-- What can I do for you? /Can I help you?
-- Can I take your order?
-- Will/Would you like something to drink/to eat?
-- What would you like to drink/to eat?
-- Would you care for …?
-- I’ll have …/ I’ll go for …/I’ll give …a try.
-- I’d quite like …to drink/to eat.
-- Mm, it sounds/smells/tastes good/delicious/excellent.
-- Here’s the menu. What would you suggest?
--You do the ordering for me?
-- I don’t think I’ll bother with…
-- I think I’ll give …a miss.
--Thanks. I’ve had enough. /I’m full.
-- Good to see you. May I join you?
-- Let me foot the bill.
--No, you be my guest.
--Well, let’s go Dutch.
1.       He usually gets up    six o’clock.
2.       He’s reading a book     the moment.
3.       She is drinking tea     the garden.
4.       They often go to the shops      the morning.
5.       We do our homework    night.
6.       After doing their homework, they can go    bed.
7.       It’s very cold    winter here.
8.       There it is! It’s     front of you.
9.       Put that bag on the armchair. What’s    it?
10.   He has a bad cold, so he must stay    bed. 
1. at  2. at  3. in  4. in  5. at  6. to  7. in  8. in  9. in  10. in
1.       A ship is going    the river. And a plane is flying over the river. Some children are looking      the ship and the plane.
2.       Two boys are jumping      the tree.
3.       The couple are sitting      the chairs. They are reading in the living room.
4.       We’re going to listen    the radio. What are you going to do?
5.       The nice flowers are      my friend. Today is her birthday.
6.       Please put the dishes        the sideboard. (餐具柜)
1. on  at  2. up  3. on  4. to  5. for  6. in/on 
1.  Jimmy    (be) in bed today. He            (not, feel ) well. He       (look ) ill. But he              (not, have ) a temperature. We               (must, call ) the doctor. I         (think ) today he can             (not, go ) out with us, but tomorrow he           (can, go) together.
2.  Yesterday, I      (be ) at the butcher’s. You       (be ) at the barber’s. And  Tom    (be ) absent from school.
3.  They            (have, not ) any water. Have/Do you        (have ) you any ?
1. is  doesn’t feel  looks  doesn’t have  must call  think  not go  can go
2. was  were  was  3. don’t have  have
补充材料 P21
airhead                                        笨蛋
cold fish                    冷漠的人
get one’s teeth into                强行执行
dear John letter                  绝交信
hot air                     空话
Time and tide wait for no man.           岁月不等人
There is no use crying over spilt milk.        不要为打翻的牛奶而哭泣
He is rich that has few wants.            知足者常乐
You don’t look very well. You’d better see a doctor.
What’s wrong/the matter with you?
I’ve caught a bad cold/cough.
Don’t worry. /Take it easy. There is nothing serious.
I don’t feel very well. I have a toothache/headache/fever
You look awful/terrible/pale.
You must stay/remain in bed. You need a good rest.
How are you feeling now?
My…hurts. /I’ve a sore throat. /I’ve got a pain(痛苦) in my back/leg/…
I’m afraid you need an X-ray.
I’ll take your temperature. Be patient, please.
I’ll give you some medicine. /I’ll write down a prescription(药方).
When shall I take the medicine?
How often should I take these pills? /How many tablets should I take each time?
It doesn’t matter. You’ll feel better soon.
You look fine/in the pink.
补充材料 P22 
Translation 自己做
1.       I am going to visit a friend     five o’clock this afternoon.
2.       Every day she visits her friends     the afternoon.
5.       the way to school, she lost her handbag.
6.  You were        the race last week, weren’t you?
7.We go to that church    Monday.
8. My son went abroad    1986.
9.     spring. It’s mild in our country.
10. Tens of thousands      people went to see the exhibition.
11. Her brother was absent         school last week.
12. We’re going to stay     my mother’s .
13 You arrived  here at three o’clock.
14. You can’t speak   me like that!
1. at  2. in  5. On  6. at/in  7. on  8. in  9. In 10. of  11. from  12. at  13. / 14. to
at the race :在赛场  in the race :在比赛中  be absent from :缺席
补充材料 P23
like :
-- What’s your favorite…?
-- What do you like best?
-- I like…best. /I love…/I’m pleased with…
-- I feel like doing…/I would like/love to…
-- What I most enjoy is …
-- I’m fond of …/I’m crazy about...  be fond of :喜欢
-- There’s nothing I enjoy more than…
Dislike :
-- I don’t like…at all.
-- I’m afraid I’d rather do…/I don’t like…
-- I can’t stand /put up with…
-- I hate…
补充材料 P24  Translation:
补充材料 P25
-- What can I do for you, madam?
-- How do you like this one? /What about…?
-- I’m looking for... /I’m thinking of buying…
-- What do you want to buy for your wife?
-- What size? /What color?
-- Size five. /Green.
-- These are in fashion this year. Don’t you want a try?
-- I prefer the blue one to the red one. /I like …better.
-- It looks good. Can I try it on? Where’s the fitting room?
-- It suits you. /Perfect!
-- Come on. You are kidding. I’m no longer in my twenties.
-- Oh, it’s a pity. It looks beautiful, but it doesn’t fit me.
-- You can have a …% discount.  percent 百分数(号)
-- That’s great. The price is reasonable. 合理的
-- I’ll take them. Can you pack them together for me?
-- Comes…Yuan in all.
补充材料 P27
-- Can/Could you help me? /Give me a hand, please.
-- Can you lend me your hand? I need your help.
-- Do/Would you mind doing...for me?
-- Do you mind if I do...?
-- Do me a favor, please. /Would you do me a favor to do…?
-- Would you please do…?
-- I hate to say, but I was wondering if I could …?
-- I should be grateful if you could…
-- Would you be so kind to do…?
-- What can I do for you? /Can I help you?
-- If you need my help, just call me please.
-- It’s my honor to be your servant.
补充材料 P30
1.       You’ve made        (many ) mistakes than Jim.
2.       Her car is         (new ) than mine.
3.       My boxes are               (big ) of all.
4.       That film is        (good ).
5.       I’ve got      (little ) ink than you ,but I’ve got          (many ) pens than you.
6.       I can give you some         (some ) butter than before.
7.       John is          (clever ) than Bob. Bob is           (clever ) than Tom. Tom is not    as         (clever ) as John. John is             (clever ) of the three.
8.       This first story is              (interesting ) than the second one. The third story     is                (interesting ) than the first. And the fourth is          (interesting ) than the second. So the fourth is                    (interesting ) of all.
9.       The Sahara is              (big) desert in the world. 
1. more  2. newer  3. the biggest  4. good  5. less  more  6. more  7. cleverer  cleverer  clever  the cleverest  8. more interesting  more interesting  more interesting  the most interesting  9. the biggest
补充材料 P30
1.       It’s a fine day,         ?
2.       She has been to the Great Wall,          ?
3.       The woman says that she       ill last week.
4.       Those people didn’t come from France,           ?
5.       The boss told Miss Jones         (type ) a letter for him.
6.       I want to talk          you.
1. isn’t it   2. hasn’t she  3. was  4. did they  5. to type  6. with/to
补充材料 P36
1.       He said he           (see ) the film already.
2.       She said they             (return ) to Paris the next day.
3.       I told the boy            (stand up ) at once.  tell sb. to do sth.
4.       They told us we                         (win) the first prize.
5.       It’s said that the earth       (go) around the sun.
6.       He said when we     (come) in, he            (read) a book.
7.       That lady        (sell) her jewellery last month.
8.       Till yesterday, that lady              (sell out) all her jewellery.
9.       There         (be) an important meeting this evening.
1.       had seen  2. would return  3. to stand up  4. won/had won/would win  5. goes
6. came   was reading  7. sold  8. had sold out  9. will be
补充材料 P37
1.       They say      they will go to church tomorrow.
2.       The old lady asked       time it was.   ask sb. to do sth.
3.       Jim asked his father   buy him a new schoolbag.
4.       My wife wants to know     you need some help.
5.       He asked her     she was eager to go abroad.
6.          you drop the vase, you’ll pay for it .
7.       If you promise it won’t happen again, I      forgive you.
8.       I want to know         season you like best.
9.       He asked me    I would like to go with him.
10.   The girl decided to buy the pen          was shown on the shelf.
11.   You’re that person      I’m looking for.
1. (that)  2. what  3. to  4. if  5. if  6. If  7. will  8. which  9. if  10. which 11. /
补充材料 P38
1.       This house            (build ) last year.
2.       That film             (show) already.
3.       If the window          (break), You’ll pay for it.
4.       When the missing girl           (find), she was sleeping.
5.       I           (make) up my mind before she telephoned me.
6.       At eight o’clock yesterday morning, he           (read) the English book.
7.       While she          (do) her housework, her husband gave her a sweet kiss.
8.       I found the students forgot          (lock) the door when they left the room.
1. was built   2. has been shown  3. is broken   4. was found   5. had made
6. was reading   7. was doing  8. to lock
1.       Last night, the man had been introduced to others in the party.
2.       She said she would win the match on next week.
3.       Did the pretty woman made her mind?
4.       I didn’t want to do nothing.
5.       Do you know that when I can know my marks of those exams. 
6.       I want to ask where are we going.
7.       She is looking for the key of her room.         
8.       They have never seen the film, haven’t they?
9.       -- It isn’t a fine day, is it? – Yes, it isn’t a fine day.           
10.   I knew that the earth wasn’t round.
11. Those people are Japaneses.
12. My brother didn’t like coffee. Neither do I.
13. I lost my watch, so I want to buy it.
14. He is the man that I served yesterday.
15. He was arriving home when I rang him.
1. had been introduced à过去时 was introduced   2. 去掉 on  3. made à make
4. nothing à anything  5. that when  去掉that 
6. where are we goingà where we are going.  7. of à to 
8. never 表示否定 haven’t theyà have they  9. Yes à No 回答应该前后一致
10. 客观真理  wasn’t à isn’t  11. Japaneses à Japanese
12. 前后时态应该一致 Neither do I à Neither did I.
13. 如果在同一个句子中出现一个it代词,一般指代上面出现的。It à one
14. 正常 15. 正常
a friend of mine
在表示“的”时,一般是:’s (人)/of …(物)
the window of the house
a friend of my father
a, the ,some ,any 限定词
my, mine, his, her 所有格代词
It happened to a friend of mine.
who ,whom 的问题
先行词+宾语,主语(人)时,who, whom 均可用
一般来说,做主语时用who;做宾语时可用who, whom, that, 可以省略。
(1)       时态:现在进行时、一般现在时、一般现在完成时、一般将来时、过去进行时、过去完成时
(2)       问句:一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句、
否定疑问句(doesn’t she like you?)
(3)       从句:宾语从句、定语从句(限定性定语从句)、表语从句、
表语从句(That is why I don’t like English.)
(4)       倒装句:neither, so 的倒装
(5)       感叹句:what, how
(7)       省略句:省略重复出现的相同成分
(8)       引语:直接引语和间接引语
(9)       直接宾语和间接宾语
(10)   形容词的用法
(11)   情态动词:must, can, may, need
(12)   介词:at, in, on, from, along
(13)   动词不定式做宾语或宾语补足语的用法
(14)   限定词a, the, some …
(15)   冠词的用法a/an, the
(16)   名词的种类,名词的数格
(1)       虚拟语气
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