Vocabulary list # 1 "Habeas Cropus" Latin roots

[VAMPIRE13] 2008-8-20 8:54:53 [外语]

Jinglu Sun. 2nd period.

Vocabulary list # 1

“Habeas Corpus” Latin roots.


  1. corporeal [adj]: physical and not spiritual; of the body

corp = body

    1. corpse [noun]: A dead body.
    2. Corpulence [noun]: Excessive fatness
    3. corporal [adj] : of or relating to the body
  1. auditorium [noun] : The part of a theatre, or similar building, where the people who are watching and listening sit.

Audi = sound

    1. audible [adj] : able to be heard
    2. audience [noun]the group of people gathered in one place to watch or listen to a play, film, someone speaking.
    3. Audition [noun]: a short performance that an actor, musician, dancer gives in order to show their ability and suitability for a particular play, film, show, etc.
  1. visualize (vid) [verb]: to form a picture of someone or something in your mind, in order to imagine or remember them.

Vis = see

    1. evident [adj] : easily seen or understood; obvious
    2. provide [verb] : to give someone something that they need
    3. visible [adj] : able to be seen.
  1. capitol (capit, capt) [noun] : a building in which a US state government meets.

Cap = head

    1. captain [noun] : the person in charge or a ship or an aircraft, or the leader of a sports team.
    2. Decapitate [verb] : to cut off the head of a person
    3. Caption [noun] : a short piece of text under a picture in a book, magazine or newspaper which describes the picture or explains what the people in it are doing or saying.
  1. dental (dont) [adj] relating to the teeth

dent = tooth

    1. dentures [plural noun] : false teeth fixed to a small piece of plastic or similar material, which fits inside the mouth of someone who does not have their own teeth.
    2. Orthodontist [noun] : a person whose job is to correct the position of the teeth.
    3. Dentist [noun] : a person whose job is treating people’s teeth.
  1. sanguine [adj] : Red, like blood; ardent; confident; optimistic.

            sangui = blood

    1. Sanguinary [adj] : Bloody; bloodthirsty
    2. Sanguisugent [adj]: Bloodsucking
    3. Sanguify [verb] : To bake blood; as using foods containing iron.
  1. osteoporosis [noun] : a disease which causes the bones to weaken and become easily broken

osteo = bone

    1. Osteoarthritis [noun] : a disease which causes pain and stiffness in the joints.
    2. Osteopath [noun] : a person who is trained to treat injuries to bones and muscles using pressure and movement.
    3. Osteology [noun] : The study of the skeleton and of the structure of bones.
  1. pedestal (pod) [noun] : a long thin column which supports a statue, or a tall column-like structure on which something rests.

Ped (pod) = foot

    1. pedal [noun] : a small part of a machine or object which is pushed down with the foot to operate or move the machine or object.
    2. Pedestrian [noun] : a person who is walking, especially in an area where vehicles go.
    3. tripod [noun] : a support with three legs for a piece of equipment such as a camera.
  1. digitate [adj] : like a digit or a finger.

digit =  finger

    1. digitigrade [adj] : walking on the toes, as most quadruped mammals.
    2. digital [adj] : describes information, music, an image, etc. that is recorded or broadcast using computer technology.
    3.  Digitize [verb] : to put information into the form of a series of the numbers 0 and 1, usually so that it can be processed by a computer.
  1. Manufacture [verb] : to produce goods in large number, usually in a factory using machines.

Manu = hand

    1. Manual [verb] : done with the hands.
    2. Manicure [noun] : a treatment for the hands which involves softening the skin and making the nails look better by cutting, smoothing and possibly painting them.
    3. Manual dexterity [noun] : someone’s ability to perform a difficult action with the hands skillfully and quickly so that it looks easy.