Alien Invasion|外来物种入侵


In the 1930s, beetles2  with a sweet tooth gulped3  down a lot of sugarcane4  in Australia. Angry sugarcane farmers needed to do something quickly. Farmers in Hawaii gave them a tip: Cane toads5  like to munch6  on the beetles. Desperate Australian farmers imported a boxful of the fist-sized toads from Hawaii and let them loose 7.
Bad idea. Instead of chowing8  down on the beetles, cane toads gobbled9  anything they could swallow—pet food, garbage, honeybees, termites10, snails, and mice.
The toads multiplied11 , spreading across the northern coast of Australia. Today toads are such a problem that a member of the Australian government recently suggested that citizens use golf clubs to whack12  the warty13  amphibians14 !
Australia isn't the only country dealing with unwelcome animal guests. In the United States, hundreds of invasive species pose15  a threat to the environment.

The Aliens are coming
An invasive species is nonnative, or alien, to the ecosystem16. An ecosystem is a group of plants, animals, and other living organisms that live together in the same area. Although invasive species don't damage their own ecosystem, they can cause massive destruction when they invade another area.
For example, fingernail-sized zebra mussels17  hitchhiked18  from Russia to the Great Lakes in the water tanks of ships. When those ships landed in the United States, the zebra mussels began gobbling up food and oxygen, leaving nothing for other underwater creatures to eat.
They also irritated19 humans. Each year, a female zebra mussel can produce 30,000 to 1 million eggs. When those eggs hatch20, the mussels clog pipes that provide drinking water to houses and schools.
A beetle called the emerald ash borer21  arrived in the United States from China in wood packing material carried aboard cargo ships or airplanes.
The adult emerald ash borer nibbles22  on the leaves of the ash tree. The larvae23  of the beetle, however, cause far more damage by chomping24  through the inner bark25  of ash trees. The insects destroy the tunnels that allow water and nutrients26  to travel from the roots to the leaves. Emerald ash borers have killed 8 million to 10 million trees in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana.
Another invasive species that is wreaking havoc27  is the snakehead28  fish.
Snakeheads arrived in the United States from Asia as exotic29  pets. When pet owners grew tired of the snakeheads, they threw the fish into nearby lakes and streams.
The snakehead fish now live in several states and can move over land from one body of water to another body. They dine greedily and can clear a pond of all its fish. The snakehead was recently spotted in a lake in Queens, N.Y., a part of New York City.
“The world has changed so much in the last 100 years,” Jodie A. Ellis, a scientist at Purdue University, told Senior Edition. “We are now able to share so many things with other countries, which is mostly a good thing. But there are costs, and one of those costs is the constant threat of invasive species.”

Why should we care?
In addition to destroying an ecosystem, the devastation30  caused by invasive species can be costly. In the United States, the damage caused by the peaky critters31  is roughly $137 million per year.
“Our natural ecosystems are the primary source of our food and drinking water,” Lisa Gould, a senior scientist at the Rhode Island Natural History Survey, told Senior Edition. “Ecosystems help keep our air clean. They give us medicines and materials for our industries. Without them, we could not exist for long.”
Battling the cane toad
Back in Australia, the government has devoted $1 million to combating that country's pesky toad problem. Scientists are researching what kind of poisons can kill the creature.
 Wildlife officials are also setting up traps to catch the toads, which are now hitchhiking across Australia in the backs of cars and trucks.
“We cannot tolerate a situation where cane toads are getting a free ride across the continent,” says one Australian official.

What can you do?
Kids can do a lot of things to prevent alien plants and animals from invading our ecosystems. Robert J. Wiese, director of animal collections at the Fort Worth Zoo, says you should figure out which animals and plants belong in your community and which ones don't.
Most people don't know a lot about their natural surroundings. Wiese said. By the time a plant or an animal has invaded an ecosystem, it's too late. Wiese gives this advice:
● Use native plants in your garden.
●Don't release unwanted pets into the wild. That is especially a problem with tropical fish, which people often dump into waterways.







1. alien adj. 相异的,外国(来)的
2. beetle  n. 甲虫 
3. gulp  v. 狼吞虎咽
4. sugarcane   n. 甘蔗
5. toad  n. 蟾蜍
6. munch  v. 用力嚼,大声嚼
7. let loose 释放
8. chow   v. 吃
9. gobble  v. 贪食,狼吞虎咽
10. termite   n. 白蚁
11. multiply   v. 繁殖
12. whack  v. 猛击
13. warty  adj. 似疣的,有肿瘤的
14. amphibian  n. 两栖动物
15. pose  v. 造成,引起
16. ecosystem  n. 生态系统
17. zebra mussel 一种小型淡水贻贝 
mussel  n. 贻贝
18. hitchhike v. 搭便车旅行
19. irritate  v. 激怒,惹恼
20. hatch   v. 孵
21. emerald ash borer白蜡树钻洞翠绿甲虫              emerald  adj. 翠绿色的,翡翠的         ash  n. 白蜡树borer   n. 钻蛀虫
22. nibble   v. 轻咬,啃
23. larvae  n. (lava的复数)幼虫
24. chomp  v. 啮咬, 使劲咀嚼
25. bark   n. 树皮
26. nutrient   n. 营养品,滋养物
27. wreak havoc 造成大破坏       
wreak  v. 带来,引起
havoc  n. 大破坏,浩劫
28. snakehead   n. 黑鱼
29. exotic  adj. 外来的,外国的
30. devastation   n. 毁坏,破坏
31. pesky critters 恼人的动物
pesky   adj. 麻烦的,讨厌的
critter   n. 生物