iPod People|iPod一族


How a tiny gadget1 has changed the way teens listen to music
    In 1877, Thomas Alva Edison invented the phonograph2. The first commercial device for playing back recorded sound, it revolutionized the world of music. People were then able to listen to their favorite tunes in the comfort of their own homes.
    Flash3 forward more than 125 years. What would Edison think of an army of young people walking around with white plugs4 in their ears, carrying their entire music collections in their pockets?
    No invention since the phonograph has altered the way we listen to music more than the MP3 player — especially, Apple's iPod. Introduced in 2001, iPod holds anywhere from 120 to 15,000 songs. But it isn't just a mega5 -Walkman. With its sleek6 look and white earbuds7, it has also become a sign of the times. In fact, today's teens are sometimes referred to as “the iGeneration.”

“A Soundtrack for Your Life”
    How have iPod and other MP3 players changed the way music is played and heard? For one thing, wearing an iPod makes you a portable, self-contained8 music machine.  “You can put all your CDs on it, which is much easier to carry around,” says Brianna Harney, 16, a junior9 at Somerville High School in New Jersey. “It's all just right there.”
    Alex Halavais, a technology professor at the University of Buffalo in New York, has studied the iPod phenomenon; iPod, he says, lets you “basically create a soundtrack10 for your life.”
    For many teens, having an iPod also means saying goodbye to the record store. “It's overpriced11 and time-wasting to have to go to the store to buy a CD,” says John Train, 15. Instead, says the sophomore12 at Mount Si High School in Snoqualmie, Washington, “I download my songs.”
    The availability of music on the Internet is a revolution in itself. With Apple's iTunes, for example, users can purchase up to 1.5 million songs legally at the click13 of a mouse. (The music industry gets a portion of the profits.) If you don't want every song on a CD, you can buy just one or two songs individually.

Mere Background Noise
    On the other hand, does an unlimited stream of songs playing in your ear 24/714  cause music to become mere background noise? Is the iGeneration using its personal soundtracks to tune out15 the rest of the world?
    Some people think so. “Riding on the [school] bus used to be a time to meet new people and exchange casual remarks,” observed an editorial16 in the student newspaper at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia. “[Now,] the ever-present17 white earphones end conversations before they start.”
    Hearing experts also caution18 that listening to iPods or other portable music devices at high volume through earbuds puts kids at greater risk of hearing loss later in life. Worse, iPods have been the objects of a new rash19 of thefts, and sometimes violence. Recently, a teen in Brooklyn, New York, was murdered for his iPod.

Pod People
    Despite such concerns, iPod remains the “in”20 thing. It has even helped popularize a new form of communication, podcasting21, which is giving teens a creative way to express themselves.
    John Train is a podcaster. “My podcast is the epitome22 [ideal example] of teenage life,” John said. “I talk about all of the things teenagers live23 day in and day out24.”
    The craze has even reached commercial radio. In fact, many stations are making their shows available as podcasts. Now, listeners can hear programs whenever and wherever they want.
    Of course, no revolution lasts forever. A hundred years from now, iPod will have gone the way of Edison's phonograph. But for now, Pod people rule. Just ask them—though you may have to ask them to turn down25 their iPods first!

    自留声机问世以来,还没有任何一项发明像MP3播放器——特别是苹果公司的iPod那样改变了我们听音乐的方式。iPod问世于2001年,可储存120到15,000首不等的歌曲。然而,它并非只是一个容量巨大的随身听,其闪亮光滑的外表和白色的耳塞已经成为这个时代的标志。事实上,人们有时把今天的青少年叫作“i 生代”。

    纽约布法罗大学的工科教授阿莱克斯·哈拉维斯对iPod现象进行了研究。他认为,iPod “差不多可以让你去创造够听一辈子的音轨”。




1. gadget n. 小装置,小玩意儿
2. phonograph n. 留声机,电唱机
3. flash v. 飞驰而过
4. plug n. 塞子
5. mega (前缀)巨大的
6. sleek adj. 光滑闪亮的
7. earbud n. 耳塞
8. self-contained 配套齐全的
9. junior n. 美国中学或大学的三年级学生
10. soundtrack n. 声道,音带
11. overprice v. 对…定价过高
12. sophomore n. 美国中学或大学的二年级学生
13. click v. 使发出卡嗒声,点击
14. 24/7 即1天24小时,1周7天
15. tune out 不过问,忽略
16. editorial n. 社论
17. ever-present 经常存在的
18. caution v. 警告,告诫
19. rash n. 短期内一连串事件的爆发
20. in  adj. 当前流行的
21. podcasting 源于 iPod 与broadcast的合成词,指一种在互联网上发布文件并允许用户订阅以自动接收新文件的方法,或用此方法来制作的电台节目。
22. epitome n. 典型,范例
23. live  v. 经历,度过
24. day in and day out 天天,日复一日
25. turn down 降低,减弱