Interview With Em|阿姆访谈


Q: What comes first for you, the rhythm or the rhymes20?
A: It's both. Sometimes I get a couple of lines in my head, I go downstairs and makes a beat to that rhythm. That's why a lot of my drum patterns are crazy, offbeat21 patterns—because of the rhyme. Now more than ever I try to make my rap go right with the beat. I listen to my older shit, and I can't stand it.

Q: You've  said  8 Miles  is  not a film of your life, but there are many similarities.
A: I  don't  play  me  in  the  movie. There  are similarities because I sat down with the script writer and told him something from my life that were used in the movie, some exactly the way they happened, some a little bit different.

Q: Are  you  expecting  as  much  criticism from the PTAs22  of the USA for your albums?
A: You  put your shit out there for the world to see and to judge, and whoever agrees with you agrees with you. Even my most die-hard23  fans don't agree with everything I say. These are my views, this is how I see it. You may have your own opinion.


Q: So where are you the most honest?
A: In the songs. If you listen to them and don't take the words out of context, they'll tell you why I'm saying this or that. Why do I have to sit here and explain myself? Just listen to the fucking songs. They will tell you everything.

问: 你是先有旋律还是先有词呢?
答: 两者兼顾吧。有时候脑子里一出现几行歌词, 我就下楼为旋律配上节奏,所以我的鼓点大多不规则,比较疯狂。和以前相比,现在我尽量使说唱和节奏合拍。再听听以前那些狗屁东西,连我自己都受不了。


