Busy Days in Buenos Aires |繁忙的布宜诺斯艾利斯


Argentina is the eighth largest country in the world—bigger than Mexico and Texas combined. Still, with so much room, more than 12 million people choose to live in the capital city of Buenos Aires. Why is this city located where it is? And how did it get to be so big? Here’s a hint: The people of Buenos Aires call themselves “people of the port”.
In the early 1500s, Spanish soldiers built the tiny town of Buenos Aires on the Rio de la Plata. Rio de la Plata is Spanish for “river of silver.” This name gives you an idea of what the Spanish were hoping to find. But dreams of silver and gold near Buenos Aires soon faded, for one simple reason. There was little to be found. Over the years, though, people here began to realize that their town did have something very valuable to offer.
A Perfect Location
On the map, you can see that Buenos Aires is located along the wide Rio de la Plata. This waterway gives the city easy access to the Atlantic Ocean. Now look to the west of Buenos Aires and find the Pampas. This is a vast region of fertile plains. Wheat and other crops thrive2 in the Pampas. The land is also ideal for raising cattle and sheep.
Put this information together, and you will understand why Buenos Aires became a major city. In the 1800s, railroads began transporting farm products from the Pampas to the port town of Buenos Aires. From Buenos Aires, ships loaded with Argentine beef, leather, wool, and wheat sailed to Europe and other parts of the world. Buenos Aires became an important center for international trade.
New Arrivals
As trade boomed3 at the docks of Buenos Aires in the late 1800s, the city simply did not have enough people to keep up with the work. Word spread to Europe that good jobs were available in Argentina. This set off a massive wave of immigration. Millions of new arrivals turned Buenos Aires from a busy port town into one of the world’s biggest cities.
Growing Cities
Today Buenos Aires is the second largest city in South America, and it’s still growing. The population of Buenos Aires is expected to top 13 million by 2015. South America’s biggest city—Sao Paulo, Brazil—will probably be home to more than 21 million people by 2015! The process of urbanization4, or growth of city population, is happening all over South America. A major reason for this is the migration, or movement, of people from rural areas to cities.
Push and Pull Factors
Factors that influence the movement of people are called push and pull factors. Push factors are things that cause people to leave the place they are living. In South America, people are often “pushed” from rural areas because of a lack of jobs and good schools.
Factors that attract or “pull” people to a certain place are called pull factors. One hundred years ago, the hope of finding good jobs pulled people to Buenos Aires. The same is true today. People also move to the city in hopes of finding better school for their children.
Big cities like Buenos Aires can offer families the opportunity for a better life. City life can be difficult, however. When rural families move to the city, they often have to crowd into very poor neighborhoods with no electricity or running water. Because of the bad living conditions, slums5 in Buenos Aires are known as “villages of misery.”
City of Neighborhoods
The famous Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges once said, “Our entire country is imported. Everyone here is really from somewhere else.” The modern city of Buenos Aires reflects the influence of people from many countries. With wide avenues6, sidewalk cafes, and small shops, the center of the city looks a lot like European cities such as Paris, France, or Barcelona, Spain.
Surrounding the downtown area are more than 40 different barrios7, or neighborhoods. Each barrio has a unique personality. La Boca, for example, is an Italian neighborhood that is famous for brightly painted houses. The barrio once was filled with shops owned by Jewish and Korean families.
Packed with theater, dance halls, and all-night bookstores, Buenos Aires is the cultural center of Argentina. Restaurants range from world-famous steak houses to family pizza places, and people here are famous for staying up late to enjoy the culture of their city. As one native said, “We like people, and we are very curious about everything.”

影响人口流动的因素包括推力因素和引力因素。推力因素指促使居民离开所居住地的各种诱因。在南美洲,由于农村缺少就业机会和接受良好教育的机会,人们被“推挤”出乡村地区。 吸引或诱惑人们前往某一地区的因素称为“引力因素”。100年前,能够找到好工作的吸引力诱使人们前往布宜诺斯艾利斯。今天同样如此。另外,人们迁居大城市,希望为子女找到更好的学校。

A Day in Buenos Aires

What’s a typical day like in Buenos Aires? For Diego, who lives with his parents and grandmother in an apartment building in Buenos Aires, a normal school day starts early. If his mother doesn’t wake him up at 6:00 a.m., his dog Luna will. Diego gets dressed quickly and takes Luna for a walk.
Then it’s time to get ready for school. Diego puts on his school uniform and eats a quick breakfast of toast and tea. He slings8 his heavy backpack over his shoulder and crowds onto the city bus for the 25-minute ride to school. When his stop approaches, he shoves his way toward the door and gets ready to jump off. He knows the bus drivers don’t always come to a complete stop at every bus stop!
Diego is in the seventh year of primary school, which runs from grades one through nine in Argentina. Classes start at 8:00 a.m. with math, followed by history and music. At 1:00 p.m., Diego and his friends eat a big lunch of pasta9 and tomato sauce.
  After lunch, Diego heads to English class. This is one of his favorites, because the students practice English by writing e-mails to students in other countries. Diego’s e-pal in New York City is complaining about snow, but it’s summer here in the Southern Hemisphere!
  When the last class ends at 4:00 p.m, Diego and his friends take the bus to a city park to play soccer. Then he’s back home to start on homework before dinner. If he finishes in time, Diego helps his grandmother cook. His parents come home from work about 8:00 p.m., and they sit down to dinner at 9:00 p.m. After dinner, Diego does some reading or watches a little television before getting ready for bed.

Summing up
  One-third of Argentina’s entire population lives in the capital city of Buenos Aires. The neighborhoods and culture of Buenos Aires reflect the city’s long history of immigration. Throughout South America, cities are growing rapidly as people migrate from rural to urban areas.


1. bustle  v. 喧闹
2. thrive  v. 茁壮成长
3. boom  v. 繁荣
4. urbanization  n. 都市化
5. slum  n. 贫民窟
6. avenue  n. 林荫道
7. barrio n. 地方行政区域
8. sling  v. 扔
9. pasta n. 意大利面