How to Impress People?|如何给人留下好印象?


How to Talk言谈
Speak Clearly
Pronounce your words—don't race through1  them. A good way to force yourself to slow down is to pause and take a breath every two sentences.

It makes you sound calm and collected2, not like you're scattered3 or a mess. And the cooler you sound, the cooler you'll look.

Use Correct Grammar
Talk in complete sentences, and always avoid slang4. If you're unsure of what a word means, don't use it—you might embarrass yourself.
You'll sound bright and articulate5. And adults think highly of smart individuals.

Give a Compliment6
When you first meet someone, find something nice to say. If you can't think of anything specific, say, “I've heard great things about you.”

How to Act举止
Offer a Handshake
When you meet someone new (not casually—like at school—but at an interview or a formal gathering), shake her hand. Squeeze8  it as hard as you'd squeeze a peach to check if it's soft enough to eat.
Look Interested
As soon as you meet a new person, smile (but not for more than a few seconds or it'll look insincere11 ). As your conversation progresses, nod at the right times and lean very slightly toward her.

This kind of positive body language is the simplest and clearest way to indicate that you're a happy, upbeat12  person with lots of confidence in herself.

Make Eye Contact
Look into people's eyes while they're talking—don't glance over13  their shoulder or at other people walking by. If you're uncomfortable holding their gaze, stare between their eyes instead.

This proves you're giving undivided attention14—that you respect this person and what she has to say. If you're constantly looking elsewhere, you'll seem rude.



1. race through 快速做完
2. collected   adj. 镇定的;泰然自若的
3. scattered  adj. 分散的,凌乱的
4. slang   n. 俚语
5. articulate   adj. (指人)能用词语把意思表达清楚的
6. compliment   n. 赞美;恭维
7. flatter   v. (通常用于被动语态) 使(某人)感到高兴或荣幸
8. squeeze  v. 捏;挤
9. in sb.'s favour 对某人有利
10. heartfelt  adj. 衷心的
11. insincere   adj. 不真诚的;不诚恳的
12. upbeat   adj. 乐观的
13. glance over 匆匆一看;浏览
14. give one's undivided attention (to sth./sb.) 全神贯注(于某事物或某人)
15. gracious  adj. 和善的;有礼貌的;大方的
16. MTV Movie Awards  MTV电影颁奖典礼
17. outfit   n. 一套衣服(尤指用于某场合的)
18. play it safe 谨慎行事
19. style [stail] v. 设计
20. flip [flip] v. (用手指)轻抛;轻掷
21. twirl   v. (用手指)缠绕,盘旋,卷曲
22. rub sb. the wrong way (无意中)惹人生气,触怒别人
23. manicure  v. 修剪(指甲)
24. file [fail] v. 用锉刀锉光滑或成形
25. well-groomed adj. 衣着考究的,干净整洁的
26. put together 搭配某物;把某物结合成一整体