One Breath English (5)|一口气英语(5)


14. Can you lower the price?
Can you lower the price?
Can you make it cheaper?
That's way too high.

That's too expensive.
I can't afford it.
Please help me out.

How about a deal?
How about 20% off?
I'd really appreciate it.
(1) Can you lower the price? 你能不能降低价格?
lower 当形容词时,是指“比较低的”,在这里当动词,作“降低”解。
这句话也可简化成:Please lower the price. 或直接说: Lower the price.
(2) Can you make it cheaper?  你能不能便宜一点?
这句话的句意是“你能不能使它变便宜一点?”,引申为“你能不能便宜一点?”也可说成:Make it cheaper.
(3) That's way too high. 那个价格真是太高。
way 一般作“方法”解,在此是副词,表“非常”。
这句话也可说成: That's way too high for me. 或只说:That's too high.
(4) That's too expensive.
本句中的 That是指所要买的东西,而不是指价格,有些中国人说价格很贵,或很便宜,但美国人却不这么说,英文中的price,不能和expensive或cheap连用。
(5) I can't afford it. 我负担不起。
凡是你买不起,或能力不足以做什么事,就可以说:I can't afford it.
(6) Please help me out.
help sb. out  帮助某人摆脱困难;帮助某人解决问题;帮某人的忙
(7) How about a deal?
deal 的主要意思是“交易”,在这里是指good deal“好的交易”。这句话的字面意思是“一个好的交易如何?”引申为“要不要给我一个好价钱?”
美国人说话喜欢省略,常说a deal,代替a good deal。
(8) How about 20% off?
这句话是How do you feel about 20% off ? 的省略。20% off 的意思是“去掉20%”,就是“打八折”,等于a 20% discount。
(9) I'd really appreciate it. 我会非常感激。
I'd really appreciate it. 是省略了if从句没有说出来。源自:If you helped me out, I would really appreciate it.   
凡是拜托别人做事情,都要说:I'd really appreciate it. 事后感激别人,就只说:I really appreciate it.

A: Can you lower the price?
B: Our prices are fixed.

A: Can you make it cheaper?
B: Let me ask my manager.

A: That's way too high.
B: That's the regular price.

A: How about 20% off?
B: That's the final price.


15. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday!
You must be feeling great!

It's a big day.
It's your special day.
We should celebrate.

Enjoy yourself.
Have a super day.
I wish you all the best.

  这是一组万能祝福句,Happy birthday! 只是一个代表。
(1) Happy birthday!
这句话是美国人祝福别人生日时最常说的话,源自I wish you a happy birthday!
(2) Congratulations!
congratulation 这个词主要意思是“祝贺”,当“恭喜”解时,要用复数。这个词,就是一个完整的句子。
(3) You must be feeling great!
(4) It's a big day.
big day 和中文的“大日子”一样,但美国人比中国人更常使用,凡是重要的日子,美国人都称作big day,像生日、结婚、毕业、面试、入学考试当天,都可算是big day。
(5) Enjoy yourself.
这句话源自:I hope you enjoy yourself. 字面意思是“希望你享受你自己。”引申为“好好玩吧。”或“希望你玩得愉快。”等于Have fun. 或Have a good time。
(6) Have a super day.
这句话源自I hope you have a super day. 这类的说法很多,可用来祝福别人,也可用在和人道别时说。
(7) I wish you all the best.
all the best 意思是“万事如意;一切顺利”,源自May all the best things happen to you.
I wish you all the best. 也可说成:I wish you only the best.
I wish you all the best. 还有另外一个意思,是“祝福大家都好。”

A: Happy birthday!
B: Thank you. You're so sweet.

A: We should celebrate.
B: Good idea!

A: It's your special day.
B: Not really. It's just another day.

A: I wish you all the best.
B: You too. I wish you well.


16. Here's a little something.

Here's a little something.
I got this for you.
I hope you like it.

It's not much.
You deserve more.
You deserve the best.

You're one of a kind.
You're so special.
You're really great.

(1) Here's a little something.  这是个小东西。
= Here's a little gift.
= Here's a little present.
这些句子后面都可以加上“for you”,来加强语气。
(2) I got this for you.
get 主要意思是“得到”,在此的got可指“买”和“带来”的意思。
(3) It's not much. 这不值多少钱。
(4) You deserve more.  你应该得到更多。
这句话源自You deserve more than this. 或 You deserve more than I'm giving you.
(5) You deserve the best. 你应该得到最好的。
这句话在这里是You deserve the best gift. 的省略,也可加强语气说成:You deserve only the best. 不管你送什么礼物给别人,都可以说这句话来表示谦虚。
(6) You're one of a kind. 你非常特别。
of a kind 中的a等于the same,这句话字面意思是“你是同类中惟一的一个”,引申为“你非常特别。”
(7) You're really great.
这句话还可说成 You're truly great. 都是“你真是棒”,语气较强。

A: Here's a little something.
B: You're too kind.

A: I got this for you.
B: You're so nice.

A: You deserve the best.
B: You flatter me.

A: You're one of a kind.
B: What a nice compliment!