Deciding factors|挑选大学的决定性因素


The following is a list of factors to consider as you search for a college. Some things will be important to you. Others won't. But this list should give you a better idea of how to begin thinking through what you want in a school.
  Distance. How far are you willing to travel? Do you want to stay as close to home as possible, or are you willing to go far away? (If you go a really long way, consider that you may not get to see your family except in vacations.) Or do you want something in between?
  Location. Do you like big cities, or do you prefer a rural1 environment? Or something in between, like a suburban setting2? What about a drastic3 change in climate? If you've lived in the south all your life and are considering a college in the north, you're gonna need something warmer than a sweatshirt4 with your high school logo5 on it.
  Size. Some colleges have over ten thousands of students. Some only have a few hundred. Would you like knowing most of your classmates, or would you rather blend into6 a larger campus? Where would you best fit in7?
  Admissions8 requirements. Colleges vary greatly in their standards for admission. Some schools are quite difficult to get into, others  are much easier, and there are many in between the two extremes. If you're not sure whether you should consider a school because of its academic9 requirements, consult your guidance counselor10.
  Major11. If you don't know what you want to study in college, don't worry. You're hardly alone. Lots of students end up changing their majors anyway. You usually don't know how to decide on one until your sophomore12 year. So just pick a school that offers a wide variety of major programs.
  Cost. Cost will eventually be a factor, but don't let it bog you down13 right now. When you're still very early in the decision-making process, it's not a huge concern. Yes, college can be expensive. But keep in mind that you'll rarely pay the full sticker price14.
  Financial aid from the government, private sources15, and the colleges themselves is available16 to cut the costs if you are qualified for it. When it comes time to apply to your top colleges, you'll have chance to get financial aid packages17 that will give you a better feel for what you can—and can't—afford. And the last, you can apply for loan without interest and pay it back after graduation. Till then, don't sweat18 it too much.




1.  rural  adj. 乡村的
2. suburban    adj. 郊区的 setting [?謖seti?耷] n. 环境
3. drastic . 急剧的,剧烈的
4. sweatshirt  n. 棉毛衫
5. logo  n. 标识语,标记
6. blend [blend] into 混合,融于……
7. fit in 适合
8. admission  n. 录取,准入
9. academic  adj. 学院的,理论的
10. guidance counselor 指导老师,顾问
11. major  n. 专业
12. sophomore adj. 大学二年级的
13. bog down  (使)陷于困境,使停顿
14. sticker price  标签价格,标价
15. private sources 来自私人机构的经济资助
16. available adj. 可以得到的
17. financial  aid package 各种经济资助的组合,助学金套餐
18. sweat [swet] v. 焦虑,烦恼