The Boy Next Door|邻家男孩


I moved in when I was seven years old, and even as a gangly1 seven-year-old, I had eyes for2 the boy next door.
We grew up together. He taught me how to climb trees, how to skateboard and how to cuss3.
Years passed and uncountable love notes were placed upon his doorstep. I remember waiting and waiting for replies; but, somehow, they must have been lost along the way, although my naivete4 didn’t let me care too much.
  And then one day, I did care. It’s funny how the changing seasons can bring reality to a little girl in pigtails5 and cause her to see out of the eyes of a young woman. All of a sudden, I became overly6 sad when he ignored me, and overly happy when he smiled at me. I scribbled7 his name all over my folder and read it with lovesick8 eyes. “B. Jay,” it said. “I love B. Jay.”
  Unfortunately, by the time I was in seventh grade, he was way out of my league9, and, worst of all, he knew it. I would stare at him from across the hall, and, when his eyes met mine, he would quickly look away, pretending not to see me. I guess I wasn’t pretty enough or cool enough for his attention, and I wondered how he had so easily forgotten the days when we would run away from the world and hide for hours in the tree fort we built together out of plywood10 and old sheets.
  Then one day, as I was munching11 on my after-school snack12, the phone rang, and it was him. B. Jay. I was confused. He had been avoiding me for months. Why would he just call out of the blue13?
“Do you wanna, uhhh, come over?” His voice was unfamiliar. It took me no longer than a second to reply.
“Okay. Sure, yeah, sure, umm, yeah,” I stuttered14  nervously.
  Dial tone.
  I was too excited to realize he hung up without saying good-bye. I walked quickly and casually to his front door, reminding myself to be cool.
  The door opened, and I walked inside. His house smelled like old leather and detergent15. I breathed it in nervously.
“My parents aren’t here,” he said smiling.
I smiled back, completely unaware of what he meant.
He plopped16 down on the couch and turned on the TV.
“Sit down,” he said with the same silly grin17.
  So I sat... and we stared at the TV... And then it happened. Don’t ask me how. I was too busy wondering how to act, but there he was leaning in to... yes to... kiss me.
  My heart stopped. I swear it must have, because I lost feeling in my body and I couldn’t breathe. I must have looked somewhat awkward because I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, and my plan to act “cool” turned into my pretending I was a complete expert.
  But I didn’t care; my dream was coming true. We were together at last... and forever... Life was pure perfection.
  And then the kiss was over, ending as awkwardly as it began. We both returned to staring at the TV. I was eager to run home and tell my friends, so I kissed him good-bye and sprinted18  home.
  The next day at school, I saw him in the halls.
  “Hi, B. Jay,” I exclaimed.
  He didn’t say a thing. He just walked by as if I didn’t even exist.
“B. Jay, B. Jay...” The louder I called his name, the faster he walked away.
  I was completely horrified. What happened? I thought we were going to be together forever; I thought he loved me or at least liked me.
  I went home sick that day.
  It was many weeks before I could face him again. I would lie in my bed, listening to guitar solos19  that rose from his garage, and cry. I waited for some sort of explanation or apology. But I knew he would never come; it was time to move on20. And eventually I did. As the years passed, I have strengthened because of new heartaches and pain. I have learned neither to love nor to hate the boy next door, but, rather, to thank him for helping the little girl inside me to grow up.

我 是7岁时搬进那个地方的。尽管我当时只有7岁,长得瘦长又难看,却对邻家男孩一见钟情。



1. gangly   adj. 瘦长难看的
2. have eyes for欣赏;钟情于;对…感兴趣
3. cuss  v. 诅咒,咒骂
4. naivete n. 天真;幼稚
5. pigtail  n. 辫子
6. overly  adv. 非常

7. scribble v. 乱涂,瞎写;潦草地写
8. lovesick  adj. 害相思病的;因失恋而悲伤的
9. out of one’s league非某人能力所及;与某人不属同一类型
10. plywood n. 胶合板;压合板
11. munch  v. 用力咀嚼;大声咀嚼
12. snack  n. 小吃,快餐
13. out of the blue突然;出乎意料
14. stutter  v. 结结巴巴地说;口吃着说
15. detergent  n. 洗涤剂;洗洁精
16. plop  v. 扑通地落下;扑通地坠落
17. grin n. 露齿笑,咧嘴笑

18. sprint  v. 冲刺,用全速奔跑
19. solo n. 独唱曲;独奏曲
20. move on继续前进;转移到新事物上