A Masterpiece Is Born|杰作的诞生


Conversation between Executioner2 and Wife
  “I'm fed up with3 life. I give up. I can't stand it any longer.”
  “But, sweetheart4, is it my fault that business has been bad lately? What can I do? After all, I can't just grab5 a man and hang him by force. I mean, the judges have simply become stingy6. But I hope to get a job soon. One day things will open up7.”
  “Will I live to see that day? Last year it wasn't this bad. At least the children had something to eat. But they can't eat the memory of last year.”
  “Please don't cry, sweetheart, you break my heart. If I could, I'd hang people day and night. I have trouble sleeping nights without a job. Am I a lazy man?”
  “Do something. Work!”
  “Don't I want to work, sweetheart? But if the courts don't hand down8 the death penalty9, I can't hang anyone. I get paid for piece work10, not on a monthly wage. When I don't stretch11 any necks they don't pay me.
  “Please don't cry, sweetheart. I'm not trying to avoid doing my job. I'd hang someone every day so my family could be comfortable. Be patient a little longer. Grit12 your teeth. We'll get a lucky break13 soon, sweetheart.”

Conversation between Gravedigger14 and wife
  “I'm taking the children and leaving. Did you hear me?”
  “Why do that, love? If people aren't dying these days, how can I earn anything? I'm a poor gravedigger. You act as if everyone were dying like flies, like the streets are impassable with corpses and that I'm reluctant to bury them. I just can't grab people and bury them alive15.”
  “There's not a bit of bread in the house.”
  “Don't cry, love; now you're making me cry. I'm a sentimental16 person to begin with17. What's happened to people? I can't understand it. No one is dying these days. Are there no vacancies18 left in the next world, or what?
  “Don't cry, love, please. You know I get paid by the head; I don't have a monthly wage. You keep prodding19 me to work all the time. After all, I can't dig a grave without reason. I'm no amateur20 gravedigger. If I dig a grave, it has to be used for somebody so they'll pay me for it. A bit more patience. Some day our luck will change for sure21. Don't give up hope, love. Grit your teeth a little...”

Conversation between Policeman and Wife
  “Good God, what I've gone through22! Was I to be dragged from pillar to post23? What a rotten24 fate I have.”
  “My sweetheart, my only, my love, why are you like this? Show a little understanding. I too, want a promotion25, to have a good position and have my family get along well, of course.”
  “Oh, how unlucky I am.”
  “I'm the one who was unlucky enough to be born in this barren26 country. If I'd come into the world in some other country where there are no crimes on the streets committed27 by unknown persons, then you would've seen. Then I would've been the commissioner28! By God, I could have long since become even the General Director of Security29. Yet what can I do?  I came to this world in a country where such value goes unrecognized. A man can't get promoted by investigating30 small cases31; he can't make a name32 for himself. There must be large, mysterious thefts, crimes, and so on, to fit my caliber33, secrets no one else can solve for me to expose34, so I can win commendations35 and promotion. Don't cry, sweetheart, please. You know I can't stand tears; you'll make me cry, too. Be patient a little longer, my dear. I'm expecting one of those crimes, something big, to fall into my lap36.”

Conversation between Pharmacist37 and Wife
  “I don't have a stitch38. I can't go see anyone, I have nothing to wear. How much longer am I going to have to endure this?”
  “Sweetheart, don't cry, love. Look, listen to me. At the drugstore39, one can't make any money selling quinine40 and aspirin41. We must sell expensive imported medicines. With rare42 medicines, watch how much money I'll make! Basically, every person is sick, but we need a good doctor to tell them so, to write a prescription43, and send them to us. If people don't get sick, don't go to the doctor, and the doctor doesn't send them to us ... well, you know where this ends up, honey—in a disaster, disaster. Don't cry, sweet one; I have a soft heart. Your crying like that touches me. Soon, our business will get better. Somehow, one day they'll line up44 in front of the drugstore by the dozens, holding prescriptions in their hands. Patience, a little longer, honey. Our luck will change soon, love.”











1. masterpiece  n. 杰作,名著
2. executioner  n. 死刑执行人,刽子手
3. be fed up with 厌烦
4. sweetheart   n. 情人,爱人
5. grab  v. 抢夺,攫取
6. stingy   adj. 吝啬的,小气的
7. open up 打开,解开。此处引申为“好转”
8. hand down 宣布
9. death penalty 死刑penalty  n. 处罚,罚款
10. piece work 计件工作
11. stretch  v. 绞死,吊死
12. grit [grit] v. 摩擦 grit one's teeth 咬紧牙关;下定决心
13. break [breik] n. (俚)运气,机会
14. gravedigger  n. 挖墓者
15. bury  alive 活埋
16. sentimental  adj. 感情脆弱的
17. to begin with 首先
18. vacancy  n. 空白,空缺
19. prod  v. 督促,提醒
20. amateur  adj. 业余的
21. for sure 确实
22. go through 经历,经受
23. be dragged/driven from pillar to post 被逼得到处碰壁
24. rotten  adj. 腐烂的,恶臭的What a rotten luck/fate I have. 真倒霉!
25. promotion  n. 提拔,晋升
26. barren  adj. 贫瘠的
27. commit a crime 犯罪
28. commissioner  n. 委员,专员
29. general director of security 安全署署长
30. investigate  v. 调查
31. case n. 案件
32. make a name 出名
33. caliber  n. 才干
34. expose  v. 暴露
35. commendation  n. 赞扬
36. fall into my lap 落在我手里lap  n. 管理范围,控制范围
37. pharmacist  n. 配药者,药剂师
38. stitch  n. 少许衣服
39. drugstore  n. 〈美〉药店,杂货店
40. quinine n. 奎宁
41. aspirin  n. 阿斯匹林(解热镇痛药)
42. rare  adj. 稀罕的
43. prescription  n. 处方,药方
44. line up 整队,排列起