Oscar See Anti-war Words|战争令奥斯卡星光黯淡


The 75th Academy Awards ceremony started on Mar 24, in Kodak Theater in L.A. Chicago won six awards including the best picture. Adrien Brody won the award for Best Actor for the film The Pianist, beating out favorites Jack Nicholson and Daniel Day-Lewis , and Nicole Kidman became the best actress. But this Oscar Ceremony was hold in a show loaded with dramatic upsets but overshadowed by the war in Iraq. US film-maker Michael Moore for the best documentary film Bowling For Columbine shouted“We are against this war, Mr. Bush. Shame on you, Mr. Bush!"

北京时间3月24日在美国洛杉矶柯达剧院举行的第75届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼中,影片《芝加哥》一举夺得包括最佳影片在内的6项大奖。 艾德林恩·布洛迪凭借影片《钢琴家》打败了杰克·尼尔森、丹尼尔·戴·刘易斯等成为新科影帝。影后桂冠被妮可·基德曼摘取。然而,这届奥斯卡颁奖礼因伊拉克战争而蒙上一层阴影。最佳记录长片《黑枪文化》的导演麦克·摩尔更是高呼:“我们反对战争,布什先生。我们为你感到羞耻,布什先生!”