The Pencil Box|文具盒


I was deep in thought at my office preparing a lecture to be given that evening at a college across town, when the phone rang. A woman I had never met introduced herself and said that she was the mother of a seven-year-old and that she was dying. She said that her therapist1 had advised her that discussing her pending2 death with her little boy would be too traumatic3 for him, but somehow that didn't feel right to her.
  Knowing that I worked with grieving4 children, she asked for my advice. I told her that our heart is often smarter than our brain and that I thought she knew what would be best for her son. I also invited her to attend the lecture that night since I was speaking about how children cope5 with death. She said she would be there.
  I wondered later if I would recognize her at the lecture, but my question was answered when I saw a frail6 woman being half-carried into the room by two adults. I talked about the fact that  children usually sense the truth long before they are told and that they often wait until they feel adults are ready to talk about it before sharing their concerns and questions. I said that children usually can deal with truth better than denial7, even though the denial is intended to protect them from pain. I said that respecting children meant including them in the family sadness, not shutting them out.
  At the break, she hobbled8 to me and through her tears she said, “I knew it in my heart. I just knew I should tell him.” She said that she would that night.
  The next morning I received another phone call from her. I managed to hear the story through her choked9 voice. She awakened him when they got home the night before and quietly said, “Derek, I have something to tell you.”
  He quickly interrupted her saying, “Oh, Mommy, is it now that you are going to tell me that you are dying?”
  She held him close and they both sobbed10 while she said, “Yes.”
  After a few minutes the little boy wanted down. He said that he had something for her that he had been saving. In the back of one of his drawers was a dirty pencil box. Inside the box was a letter written in simple scrawl11. It said, “Good-bye, Mom. I will always love you.”
  How long he had been waiting to hear the truth, I don't know. I do know that two days later Mom died. In her casket12 was placed a dirty pencil box and a letter.



1. therapist  n. 治疗专家
2. pending  adj. 眼前的,来临的
3. traumatic  adj. 伤害的,受伤的
4. grieve v. 悲痛
5. cope  v. 对付,应付
6. frail [freil] adj. 虚弱的,衰弱的;(意志)脆弱的
7. denial  n. 拒绝相信
8. hobble  v. 跛行
9. choke v. 哽噎
10. sob  v. 啜泣
11. scrawl  n. 潦草地写
12. casket  n. 小箱,棺材