Smart Estivators|动物也要夏眠


We would like to introduce to you some estivators, which means animals who pass most or a part of the summer time in a state of torpor2.

1.There is a kind of mountain kangaroo in Australia that cannot stand high temperatures. When summer comes between November and February each year, they hide in caves during the hottest days of the summer. They bring with them their offspring3 and together they endure4 the torrid5 summer without eating or drinking.

2. A kind of crocodile6, which lives in rivers in India, often digs mud holes at the bottom of a river to sleep in order to avoid the high temperatures of hot summer days. It can sleep for more than 10 days!

3. Like the crocodile in the Indian rivers, a kind of crab7 in the rivers of Africa also digs holes at the bottom of rivers in summer. After digging a hole, it makes its way into it and then seals8 the hole with.

4. One  truly  unbelievable  estivator  is  the  tree fish. They are able to climb trees and even sleep there. These fish can be found in the rivers of America.
           During the daytime in summer, they climb up to shady spots in the trees and sleep;they come down to the river for food when evening comes.

5. In the valleys around the Amazon River9 dogs can lie in cool places for up to 10 days at a time during the summer. Do not make the mistake of thinking that they are dead. They are actually enjoying their estivation.

6.Wild rabbits in South America go into caves and sleep for a couple of days when summer comes;they do not eat or drink for about one month.

7. Pallas pit vipers10 on a snake island near the Bohai Sea are also estivators. Since birds are difficult to find there during summer time, they estivate without eating or moving.

8. Snails11 cannot stand high temperatures too. They produce mucus12 to wrap13 themselves in. They wake up and come out only when it rains heavily.

(From Shenzhen Daily)


1. estivator  n. 夏眠动物
2. torpor  n. 迟钝, 无感觉
3. offspring n. 幼子(兽)
4. endure  v. 耐久, 忍耐
5. torrid  adj. 热带的
6. crocodile  n. 鳄鱼, 鳄鱼皮
7. crab  n. 螃蟹
8. seal  v. 封, 密封
9. the Amazon river  亚马逊河(南美洲)
10. Pallas pit viper  蝮蛇
11. snail [sneil] n. 蜗牛;迟钝的人
12. mucus  n. 粘液, 胶
13. wrap  v. 包装, 卷