10 Riddles|脑筋急转


1. Which letter is most useful to a woman who has lost the sense of hearing?
2. What room can no one enter?
3. What is the worst weather for rats and mice?
4. What is the smallest bridge in the world?
5. What has an eye but can't see?
6. What has teeth but can't bite?
7. What are the most difficult ships to conquer?
8. Where does Friday come before Thursday?
9. What is the most disagreeable1 month for soldiers?
10. What has two legs but can't walk?

1. The letter
2. Mushroom
3. When it rains cats and dogs
4. The bridge of a nose
5. Needle
6. Comb
7. Hardship
8. In the dictionary
9. A long March
10. A pair of pants/ trousers


1.disagreeable adj.令人不快的;讨厌的