Last Days of High school_英语教学论文,Last Days of High scho

2014-5-9 16:47:19 [考研英语作文]
Last Days of High school_英语教学论文 英语作文网整理收集

by Jennifer Craft
It is April in the United States ,the time of year whenmost of our public schools (k-12)h ave their Spring Breaks (注:Spring Breaks 春假). Spring Break is a week`s vacationduring

the second semester(注:semester
n.(主美)学期)15~18星期))of each school year.Studentslook forward to it as it is seen a s a time of fun, a timefor hanging out (注:hang out[俚]闲荡)with your friendsor tak ing a road trip.This is especially true for those whosetime in school is nearing an end ,that i s ,the seniors. AfterSpring Break,they will only have a month and a half or so ofclasses left
before they finish this level of education andmove onto the rest of their lives, be it colle ge or family orcareer.This is an exciting and bittersweet(注:bittersweet
附图{图}adj.又苦又甜的,又苦又乐的) time for these people.SpringBreak is also the beginni ng of saying good-bye to childhoodand childhood friends, though few seniors would st illconsider themselves children.
Many seniors take a road trip for their last Spring Break.This means that they hop(注:hop
vi. [口]跳上(汽车), 得到(搭乘)) in a car withsome friends and driver somewh ere, often somewhere warm ifthey live in the north where it`s been cold and snowy forsome m onths.Florida is a popular destination(注:destination
n.目标,目的(地)). During this time,they will hang outwith their friends, go to parties ,and meet new people.It`s aperiod of relaxation(注:relaxation
n. 放松, 松驰) before the final push to finish their basic education. Then again, fo r some seniors,it marks theserious onset(注:onset