Your Words Become Who You Are! |言语塑造形象!


Do your thoughts impact on your life? How important are your thoughts about yourself and others? Do these thoughts become the basis of your life’s direction? Do your thoughts influence your self-image? Do your words influence how you see yourself? Do you behave as you think you want to? Do you pay attention to your thoughts?

Use mostly positive self-talk
Your image is based on your perception of yourself and the feedback you get from others, plus what you read and what you see around you. This self-image, which becomes your personality, is fed by your self-talk (your ongoing conversation with yourself), and your image of who and what you are.
“I always thought I was ugly because I was different. It took me until twenty-four to accept that I am really quite attractive.”
     Denise, 34
All your thoughts are reinforced1 by your self-talk. You talk to yourself from when you wake up in the morning until you drift2 off to sleep at night. Your self-talk never stops. You have a running dialogue in your head about what you believe is happening around you, how people are behaving and what you think they think of you.
Try this acid test3. If you were your best friend, would you put up with the way you talk to yourself? If you were your best friend would you be happy with the way you are talked to, by you? This is an interesting test. Although you instinctively4 know that you need to be caring and mostly positive to maintain a friendship, you may not have the same rules for your relationship with yourself.
“I reckon my mates are great. But I’m a piece of shit.”
Jase, 16
Your self-talk reflects the way you see yourself, and the way you present yourself. The picture you have of yourself is constantly built up or broken down by your self-talk. What feedback do you give yourself? Is it mostly positive and mostly supportive, as it would be if you were talking to a friend?
“I discipline myself to stay positive when I wake up, it’s so easy to start thinking bad thoughts.”
Paul, 17

What is your self-image?
You program yourself by talking to yourself at 500+ words/symbols per minute, from birth to death—what are you talking to yourself about? Be careful what you talk about. You become what you think and talk about. As you see yourself, so you act—it is impossible to consistently exceed the level of your self-image. If you want to change your image you need first to change that picture of yourself. Watch how you talk to others, usually this is a reflection of your self-talk.
“Whenever I made a mistake in class I would be really angry at myself for the rest of the day. I’d hardly hear what anyone else said, my mind would race with what I did that was so stupid.”
Greg, 16
Speak well to yourself
We’ve established that we learn through mistakes and that no one is perfect; 100 percent perfect is impossible for anyone.
What will influence your life most is your ability to focus on talking to yourself well, most of the time. Adopt a more balanced view. Overall 80 percent of what you do is great, on target, and 20 percent is about mistakes, learning. Adopt an 80 percent/20 percent way of speaking to yourself; give yourself the self-talk you deserve and the self-image you deserve. Your words become who you are.
“I was the first person to notice my mistakes. My teachers gave me a hard time, but it was nothing compared to the time I gave myself.”
Jill, 14
Damien didn’t realize just how his own words affected him and his self-image:
“I was the class nerd5 at school. I couldn’t get why the rest were so slow and, worse still, I got on well with my teachers. Everyone thought I was a smart-arse6 and a suck-up7 but I didn’t care. Everyone hated me; in any class group activity I always ended up on my own and the teacher had to step in and put me in a group. It was humiliating8 but who cared?”
“Outside the classroom, everything I did seemed stupid. I was shy and everything I did just came out dumb9. I didn’t know how to stop it, everyone hated me and I hated everyone. In my mind I was the good guy and everyone else was a jerk10. I guess I was creating my own bad space.”
“People seemed to react to me exactly as I was expecting them to. It was as if they knew how badly I felt about myself, as if they were tuning in to my mind. My main thought during this time was: No one likes me, they think I’m a nerd, I’ll never be like them, I’m hopeless.”
“Then I decided to take up basketball. I knew that if I didn’t start doing something well outside schoolwork, it would just get worse and I would hate myself all my life. I practised at home until I got the hang of it11. I figured I just wanted to be good at something the others were good at, but I was scared to join a team because I wanted to be really good before I did.”
“I loved it! I was always thinking and talking to myself about the game and I was happy, really happy for the first time since I was a kid. When I joined the school B grade team I was pretty good at it. Soon the rest of the team started to notice me and talk to me. I just got better and better. Things were looking up.”
“Some of my team were in my class so they started talking to me in school. It felt so, so different than before; for the first time in my life I had friends. I started to become more confident about myself. It felt great. It was like the picture I had in my head changed, because the way I see myself is so different now.”
Damien, 17
Like Damien before he found a way in, it’s easy to focus on the challenging 20 percent. But is it fair to focus on that smaller percentage as if it totally represents your life? No, it isn’t; talk to yourself positively about the 80 percent of what is great and focus on your mistakes only 20 percent of the time.
Life is full of small annoyances12 that come into the 20 percent category. Make sure you don’t spend more than 20 percent of your time thinking about the small irritations13 in life.





1. reinforce  v. 加固,强化
2. drift v. 漂流,漂泊
3. acid test 决定性考验
4. instinctively  adv. 本能地
5. nerd n. 讨厌鬼
6. smart-arse 自作聪明的人
7. suck-up爱拍马屁的人
8. humiliating adj. 丢人的
9. dumb n. 笨蛋
10. jerk n. 坏蛋,浑蛋
11. get the hang of it掌握做某事的方法
12. annoyance n. 烦恼
13. irritation n. 恼火的事