Heath Ledger |永远的希斯·莱杰


忘不了那天,静默的办公室一声惊呼:希斯·莱杰□了——原谅我还是不忍说出那个字。本以为是《断背山》(Brokeback Mountain)成就了他,慢慢才发现原来他早在《我恨你的十件事》(10 Things I Hate About You)就成了好莱坞情圣;《爱国者》(The Patriot)里与梅尔·吉布森演绎父子情谊;《糖果》(Candy)中的痛苦挣扎……正欲一睹莱杰更多风采之际,一切却戛然而止。我只想说:I swear... I will remember your smile forever.

台         词

10 Things I Hate About You (1999)
I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb1 combat boots, and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme2.
I hate it, I hate the way you’re always right. I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it that you’re not around, and the fact that you didn’t call.
But mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you.
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.

(莱杰为向女主角道歉而翻唱“Can’t Take My Eyes Off You”,这是他首次一展歌喉!)
You’d be like heaven to touch.
I wanna hold you so much.
At  long last  love has arrived.
And I thank God I’m alive.
You’re just too good to be true.
Can’t take my eyes off you.

The Patriot (2000)
Gabriel (莱杰): [shouting] I’m not a child. 我已经不是个孩子了!
Benjamin (梅尔·吉布森): [shouting] You’re my child. 你永远是我的孩子!
Benjamin: When you have a family of your own, perhaps you’ll understand. 当你成家了,也许你就会理解我。
Gabriel: When I have a family of my own, I won’t hide behind it. 到我成家了,我不会退缩在后。
Brokeback Mountain (2005)
Jack(杰克·吉伦哈尔): I wish I knew how to quit you! 我想知道如何才能离开你!
Jack: The truth is... sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it!事实是…有时我想你想得要崩溃了。

the most famous joker



If I had any doubt about Ledger as Joker, it vanished as soon as I saw him in person. His hair was grown out for the role and his eyes quickly moved around the room, never making contact with mine. At his side was a clothespin5 that he handled the entire interview, pinching6 his fingers as he spoke. It wasn’t hard to believe that at any moment he would leap to his feet and kill everybody in the room.
“It’s definitely going to confuse people. I think it’s the true nature of the Joker, darker and more sinister but it’s obviously not going to be what Jack Nicholson did. It’s going to be darker. Which is, I think, what the comic book was after: less about his laugh and more about his eyes.”
You’re going right from I’m Not There and right into Batman. Does it compare at all?
“I  really don’t know. My  preparation  process for this and my process for the Joker are completely different. I mean, for the Joker I locked myself away in a hotel room for six weeks. I just thought up a voice and a posture and found a real psychology behind the Joker. I really put a lot of work into it. Batman is just such a machine. It’s huge and I’ve never worked on anything that big. And the movie is going to be surprisingly good! It’s far exceeded my expectations.”
Were there any specific comics you based your version on?
“I really tried to read the comics and put it down. You know, I was a big fan of Jack Nicholson—still am—his portrayal7 of the Joker was perfect for Tim Burton’s world and if Tim Burton had come to me and he was doing the sequel and he asked me to play the Joker in his movie, I wouldn’t do it. Because you couldn’t touch what Jack Nicholson did. It would be a crime.”
“When Chris came to me, I’d already seen Batman Begins and I really  liked it.  Because I’d already seen it, I already knew the world, which he had created. I instantly knew of an angle. I instantly knew a way into this character. A way to create a character to fit into8 this world. I’ve got straight away9 the fact that we’re both on the same page10 in terms of where we want it to be.”
Even as filming continues on The Dark Knight, Ledger is reflecting on the character he has finished portraying.
“It’s the most fun I’ve had with a character and probably will ever have. It was an exhausting process. At the end of the day I couldn’t move. I couldn’t talk. I was absolutely wrecked.”
So who is The Joker we’ll meet?
“He has zero empathy.” 


a star is Torn   孤独的牛仔


When actors become movie stars, it puts a strain on everybody. Family members get phone-called from around the world without a thought of the time difference; paparazzi are always following you no matter where you go. This is a drag11  for Heath Ledger, who has learned to keep his personality locked in the house—where it whines12  at doors, tears up furniture, gets into the yard at just the worst moments. “In the past, I’ve tried so hard to withhold13 myself.” The actor, who is Australian, says, “I didn’t want to be people’s opinions of who I am or what I said,” One day, his girlfriend, Michelle Williams, wrote a song title—“Old Man River”—on his forearm. Ledger got a tattoo artist to run the needles over her words. The song comes from a sad musical, and contains this key advice: “He must know somethin’, he don’t say nothin’.”
The Lord gave Ledger marketable looks—a Sean Connery14 brow and jawline, framing a mouth made for kisses—but lots of days he looks like he woke up inside an oil drum. He has the handsome star’s mixed feelings: It’s the invitation that gets you through the door, which you ditch15 in a flowerpot once inside the party.
Ledger did not grow up with money. “Or movies or art,” he says. Like a million families: solid middle-class parent—Kim Ledger designed race cars, Sally kept the home—with a couple of kids, riding out a problem marriage.
This was in Perth, Western Australia—Ledger calls it “the most isolated city in the world.” He was eleven when his parents finally divorced. For Ledger, the divorce provided a camping type lifestyle. “I enjoyed being at one house for three weeks, then going, ‘OK, right, I’m off,’” he says. “It set me up for this bohemian16 life I’ve been leading—I feel like I’ve been traveling with the same bag since I was eleven.”
At the same time, Ledger split17 with the child he’d been. “Every kid up to age thirteen thinks they are their parents, basically,” he says. His father had manly ambitions: Ledger would race cars (“I was prepared to be the next Michael Schumacher”). Instead, he stepped into the drama department.
Ledger had an advantage: He already looked like Heath Ledger. Golden hair, bold18  features—like many child performers, his face seemed to already have adult characteristics. Ledger met an agent, walked out with an audition. “I started to realize that acting was gonna give me more money, and more time off,” he says. “I was still pretty caught up in19 just being a teenager.”
Ledger’s first big role—in the Australian TV series called Sweat—was a gay bicyclist. And in A Knight’s Tale, the 2001 film that would bring Ledger his first wide notice, there’s the scene where Ledger receives a peck20 from a guy.
Watching Sweat for the first time, the seventeen-year-old Ledger was in for another kind of shock. “I was crap21,” he says. “I remember just burying my face in my hands thinking, ‘This is the end, it hasn’t even begun.’”
Ledger went looking for sympathy from his mother: He was really just terrible in the show—wasn’t he? He couldn’t act at all—could he? “And she just said, ‘Well, that’s OK.’” She didn’t lie to him by saying, “No, honey, you were great, I’m so proud of you.”“No one else around you, except your mum, is going to tell you that, you suck. She straight-up22 told me. ‘There are other things to do in life.’”
Ledger does a rueful23 head shake. “I think that’s the problem with a lot of actors in the industry. We all just think we’re brilliant, you know? And ninety-eight percent of us are crap. And we’ve got to realize that, before we can improve.”
He began picking apart24 his performance, the way he’d watched his dad reassemble car engines. He wasn’t listening to the other actors; he wasn’t connecting; he was doing way too much blinking. “I started to make changes,” he says, “to... direct myself.”
Halfway through eleventh grade, Ledger sat for25 his graduation exams, “got my marks and fucked off26. (I was a bit of a punk at that age. I had a problem with authority.)” School is an airport terminal, organized waiting; he’d already caught his flight. He packed a car, drove the 2,000 miles to Sydney, which is where Australians go to meet their fates. He borrowed gas money from his parents, and never took anything from them again.



1. dumb adj. 笨重的
2. rhyme  v. 莫名其妙,毫无道理
3. bout  n. 一回;一场
4. insomnia n. 失眠
5. clothespin  n. 晒衣夹
6. pinch  v. 夹紧
7. portrayal  n. 描写
8. fit into 适合,符合
9. straight away 马上
10. on the same page达成一致意见
11. dragn. 无聊的事;厌烦的事
12. whine v. 抱怨
13. withhold  v. 抑制
14. 肖恩·康纳利,英国著名影星,早在六七十年代就因扮演《007》系列电影中詹姆斯·邦德而风靡全球。
15. ditch  v. 抛弃
16. bohemian adj. 波西米亚(人)的;游荡艺术家式的
17. split  v. 分离
18. bold . 醒目的
19. be caught up in 对…着迷
20. peck  n. 轻吻;啄痕
21. crap adj. 糟糕透顶的
22. straight-up 直率地,坦白地
23. rueful  adj. 悔恨的
24. pick apart 把…撕碎,把…说得一钱不值
25. sit for 参加,应考
26. fuck off 滚蛋,比较粗俗的语言,此处意在表现年少时的反叛与愤世嫉俗。