My Idea of Family Planning-我对家庭计划的理念

2014-5-9 16:58:07 [大学英语作文]


Family planning, which can be roughly defined as a way to prevent any undue population increase, is actually one of the various population policies. As Mal thus saw it, population always increases faster than food production and if this tendency remains unchecked the world starvation, disease, crime and a host of other disasters. Of course nobody would like to see the coming of such a day. The population of Taiwan, considering the land area of the island, is disproportionately large. Although we boast of an impressive GNP as a result of our economic achievement, the populousness is still a potential crisis for our society. So it is important that we push ahead with our family planning program to lower the birth rate or encourage people to emigrate. Family planning is also good for the family itself. In s small family the parents can take better of their children and have more money set aside for the education of them. We must therefore accept the idea of family planning if we hope to enjoy a higher standard of living.


As statistically reported by the United Nations the world population is ever on the increase and the population density of Taiwan is second only to that of the Netherlands. The pressure of population is felt everywhere on this island particularly in the street of a big city where the snarled traffic is a common sight The Chinese family tradition that sees the production of many offspring as a sort of bliss is obviously the root of all the trouble we have had. Blinded by this tradition many people simply fail to see the seriousness of such problem as health food production and educational opportunities or the seriousness of such social ills as juvenile delinquency broken families and divorce. Our government is however keenly