小学5年级 - 记叙文 - 状物 阅读指导

My lovely school

步步高英语学校 503013252

This is my school, Welcome to my school.
          My lovely school
         步步高英语学校 古文杰 201305
  My school is very beautiful. It is in Hanzhong.
My classroom is on the fifth floor. We have six or seven classes a day. We have English classes on Tuesday. we like English classes. Because it is very interesting. We can play games in the English classes.
There is a big playground, we have P.E.class on the playground. We like P.E best. We can jump and run on the playground.
  My school has a music room ,it is on the third floor. We can listen to music and sing songs.
  This is my school, Welcome to my school.
  • 小学5年级 - 记叙文 - 状物
  • 字数:442 投稿日期:2013-5-20 10:04:00

  • 推荐3星:[一Y一]2013-5-20 10:34:51