初中3年级 - 记叙文 - 抒情 阅读指导

The window

福建省三明市尤溪县洋中中学初三(2)班 529462371

I like listen the voice of the blond stars with conviction.
 In my bedroom there is a window toward to the east.It's bright and shine.Every morning when I get up I can't help walking toward the window to look out the window to see the scenery.Out of the window the outside scenery is very beutiful.There are so many green trees and I can always listen to the birds singing songs movely.At that time I feel the world is so wonderful.So.I often have a big breath--Come on !the new day is beginning.
 Near the window there is a bookdesk .On the desk there are several books and a lamp with my dear toy.I like doing my homework there with the slight winds.It make me comfortable.
 When the dark night is coming I can also look up into the sky through the window to find out the blond star in the bright summer.This moment I feel I want to be a angel to play with the stars and listen with conviction what they say.I thout they are saying:"Qiu,you are great,now you have a chance to be a angel.You can wear the white dress with magic to help the common people.You can do it well."
 The window in my bedroom has given me a lot.
  • 初中3年级 - 记叙文 - 抒情
  • 字数:867 投稿日期:2007-4-15 11:19:00
  • 推荐发表:[沉月轩]2007-4-18 17:39:15